RE: Curator Cat Considers: But Did You Put Any EFFORT Into It?

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I feel like part of a newer way of looking at things that is still missed and overlooked is the idea that being successful requires giving other things up.

Success can come quickly, but it requires that you give something (or many) things up.

I guess that isn’t very different from the idea of working hard. To work hard, you must work, which means you can’t do other things. But for some reason, we don’t like to say the words WORK HARD these days. 🤣


I suppose we are saying something similar in the sense that the world seems to be growing more and more separation between "work" and "a successful outcome," increasingly as if the two are actually not connected.

Of course, "expectations" also enter into it, sometimes. People who come to Hive "expect" to be rewarded, so they won't spend time if they're not; people on Facebook (and elsewhere) don't expect rewards, so the three hours a day they spend there has a different "value," at least in their minds.

And yes, "working hard" is SO yesterday!



When the idea of rewards enters the picture, and people see others being rewarded more than they are, suddenly everything becomes unfair.

That said, I do think that the balance of wealth has become so wildly disproportionate in the world today that there is something to be said about a certain bit of unfairness behind the economics of things and even about the workings of this blockchain to some extent.

But fair or not, consistency and work (hard or not) are necessary for most people to acquire and then hold on to things of value and positions of rank.
