Phantom - Partner First Part: (We-Write #12: October Partner Week) + Last Week's Winners Announced


Image by Kellipics from Pixabay



We-Write #12: October Partner Week + Last Week's Winners Announced

“What are you doing, young lady”, Nurse Harrington shouted as she entered the door.

“I’m only trying to be friendly, Camille said in a low voice. “Lord knows they need a friendly face around here.“

“How would you know, you’ve only been here 2 months. And that man is hardly in a position to know any face, friendly or otherwise,: "Better watch it", she said sternly. "Your probation isn’t up until July.”

Nurse Harrington gave her a swift, condemning look then continued writing on the patient’s chart. Without looking up she said in a half joking manner, “And what do you know about God and what goes on here.” Youngsters these days think they more about life and the world than we do, she thought to herself. On the other hand, this young woman was not bad to look at. Oh yes, she’d heard the doctors and other staff whisper as she sat at her station. Not particular pretty in my opinion. But what I thought on that issue didn’t count.

Camille knew she’d better watch out for Nurse Harrington. She needed this internship to go well. The other nurses on her shift went out of their way to help her learn the ropes.

“Isn’t this your third placement? Better follow the rules. In fact, I’m going to keep my eye on you. Remember that.” Nurse Harrington put her arm in front of Camille to signal her to move out of her way so she could administer the patient’s medication.

It was almost 3 p.m., and nearing the end of their shift. Nurse Harrington was in a rush to finish her rounds for the day. Her ankles hurt, and she was anxious to get home to her husband. The health care work was a strict one and would be leaving at 4 p.m. on the dot. Nurse Harrington cracked a smile as she thought, “just like me.” Can let people get away with anything. They’ll take advantage of you if you show the tiniest bit of weakness.

As she walked down the hall to the nurses station and sat down to finish her paperwork for the day, she remembered what she saw as she entered Mr. Owen's room. Yes, she’d better watch that one. Not the first time she’d seen her leaning over a patient and plant a kiss on the cheek. Why would she do that? Too friendly. Gonna have to speak with my superior about having her being reassigned.

Camille put away her reading material at her station and removed her uniform. She thought about Nurse Harrington and how she’d better watch it more closely next time. They wouldn’t understand what she was trying to do, and she was determined to make a passing grade in this course. A quick stop to the grocers before head home.

Camille threw her keys on the stand beside the door. She surveyed her tiny apartment and wished she were already graduated with a decent job. This apartment complex was the only one she could afford on her part-time job. Still, she wished she didn't live there by herself.

The landlord was creepy. Only word to describe him.. Matter of fact, all her neighbors were a bit "odd" she would think as she never heard them make any noise. And where were the children? Rental advertisement said "family-oriented" complex. She shuddered, turned up the thermostat, and sat staring at the wall.


!beer to celebrate our teamup. Thank you ^_^ (PS. hope this works)


Thank you very much for the opportunity to work with you. I read your 2nd part of our story there and left a comment.


Nice set up! Heading over for the second part now and am feeling anxious for Camille!


Thanks so much for stopping in to read our partner posts. So glad you could feel the situation Camille put herself. Don't think she thought about Plan B if she got caught.


You have an engaging style. Although I think this entry would have been more appropriate for a pervious week contest as it feels really spooky. Great job!


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read the 1st part of my partner writing collaboration with @iamraincrystal. We wrote on the the prompt we were given "Phantom". It was a bit difficult to weave a story around that concept without making it too spooky. Being October, I think the topic for this particular We-Write was centered around the Halloween theme. Appreciate your thoughts.


Yeah, I read her continuation. The way Camille (young cult officiant) kissed nurse Harrington it was as if Camille marking her for death. :)
