Meet my new pet: Oreo. [ENG-ESP] Les presento a mi nueva mascota: Oreo.


Yo amo a los animales, me agrada muchísimo la compañía de estos y si no fuese por las palabras de @vvgm que me detiene mis impulsos, tendría una lista de mascotas incontable, intenté con un gatito pero como pudieron ver en este post, ya tengo una perrita y no se lleva con los gatos así que esa relación no funcionó, pero encontré a otra compañera tanto para nosotros como para Sansa, y hoy quiero presentárselas y hablarles un poco sobre estos bonitos roedores, las cobayas.

I love animals, I really enjoy their company and if it wasn't for the words of @vvgm that stops my impulses, I would have a list of countless pets, I tried with a little cat but as you could see in this post, I already have a dog and she doesn't get along with cats so that relationship didn't work out and I had to find him another family, but I found another companion for this family we have, both for us and for Sansa, and today I want to introduce them and tell you a little about these cute rodents, guinea pigs.


Oreo es una pequeña cobaya color blanco y negro que adoptamos hace apenas una semana, pero a pesar del poco tiempo que llevo con ella, le he tomado mucho cariño, todavía se sigue adaptando al ambiente porque son animales muy temerosos debido a que en su habitad natural son presa de muchos depredadores, pero cada día se ve mas confiada y abierta a interactuar. Tiene alrededor de dos meses de edad y aun no se encuentra en etapa adulta, por eso tu tamaño es tan pequeño.


Oreo is a little black and white guinea pig that we adopted just a week ago, but despite the short time I have been with her, I have become very fond of her, she is still adapting to the environment because they are very fearful animals due to the fact that in their natural habitat they are prey to many predators, but every day she is more confident and open to interact. She is about two months old and is not yet in adult stage, that is why she is so small and even more tender than normal.



Estos animales surgieron de la junta entre varias especies de Cavia, un genero de roedores, y se estima que hace aproximadamente 30 millones de años llego a Sudamérica procedente de África el Cuy Salvaje, especie de la que descienden las Cobayas, tienen una apariencia similar a la de otros roedores como las capibaras o los ratones, se parecen mucho a los hamsters pero son de mayor tamaño. No requieren de mucho cuidado y son muy limpios, llegan a medir aproximadamente 20 centímetros y pesar alrededor de 1kg, les encanta vivir en comunidad así que se acostumbra adoptar dos, si es ese el caso, te recomiendo que busques dos hembras o un macho y hembra esterilizados, ya que pueden tener hasta 24 crías por año aproximadamente, adoptar dos machos adultos puede ser problemático porque pueden ser territoriales, consumen mucho heno para adquirir fibra y también para mantener sus dientes sanos, también se les debe suministrar vitamina C ya que, al igual que nosotros los humanos, no pueden sintetizarla por si solos, la mejor forma es dársela a través de los alimentos, y por cierto, son totalmente hervíboros.



These animals arose from the joint between several species of Cavia, a genus of rodents, and it is estimated that approximately 30 million years ago came to South America from Africa the Wild Guinea Pig, species from which the Guinea Pigs descend, they have a similar appearance to other rodents such as capybaras or mice, they look much like hamsters but are larger. They do not require much care and are very clean, they reach approximately 20 centimeters and weigh about 1kg, they love to live in community so it is customary to adopt two, if that is the case, I recommend that you look for two females or a sterilized male and female, as they can have up to 24 puppies per year approximately, adopting two adult males can be problematic because they can be territorial, they consume a lot of hay to acquire fiber and also to keep their teeth healthy, they should also be provided with vitamin C because, like us humans, they cannot synthesize it on their own, the best way is to give it to them through food, and by the way, they are totally hervivorous. guinea pig feed is also recommended, and continuous access to fresh water.



Son animales muy inteligentes, pueden aprender ciertas cosas con repetición, por ejemplo su nombre o a no roer cables, algo que hacen por instinto y que obviamente debemos evitar, también puedes buscar vídeos sobre como enseñarles cosas, que es lo que yo estoy haciendo actualmente, son muy cariñosos y sociables, si no encuentras heno en tu localidad solo debes buscar las hierbas, tallos y plantas que sean de gusto del animal, lavarlas bien y ponerlas a secar al sol directo entre 1 y dos días, deben tener acceso ilimitado al heno porque lo necesitan en su dieta y también el agua, si tienes la necesidad de limpiarlos puedes usar un cepillo y un paño húmedo, es lo que yo he hecho con Oreo, hasta ahora no ha entablado amistad con Sansa pero tampoco enemistad y eso es bueno, ya que poco a poco se van a ir acostumbrando una a la otra, como curiosidad debes saber que a veces pueden comer sus propias heces y esto es porque a través de la misma sintetizan vitaminas necesarias para su organismo así que no debes preocuparte por eso, tienes que asegurarte de darle atención y pasar tiempo con ellos diariamente, porque pueden deprimirse fácilmente, sobre todo si están solos.



They are very intelligent animals, they can learn certain things with repetition, for example their name or not to gnaw wires, something they do by instinct and obviously we must avoid, you can also look for videos on how to teach them things, which is what I am currently doing, they are very affectionate and sociable, if you do not find hay in your area you should only look for herbs, stems and plants that are to the animal's liking, wash them well and put them to dry in direct sunlight between 1 and two days, they should have unlimited access to hay because they need it in their diet and also water, If you need to clean them you can use a brush and a damp cloth, this is what I have done with Oreo, so far she has not made friends with Sansa but neither has she made enemies and that is good, because little by little they will get used to each other, As a curiosity you should know that sometimes they can eat their own feces and this is because through it they synthesize vitamins necessary for their organism so you should not worry about that, they know which ones are good for them. You have to make sure to give them attention and spend time with them daily, because they can get depressed easily, especially if they are alone.



Este animalito es buenísimo como mascota porque es muy juguetón y amigable, barato de mantener y fácil de cuidar, hay que tenerle paciencia al principio mientras se acostumbran a nosotros y van perdiendo el miedo poco a poco, pero les aseguro que van a amar tener uno de estos, muchas gracias por su atención, un saludo a todos.

Todas las fotografías y vídeos son de mi autoria.

This little animal is great as a pet because it is very playful and friendly, cheap to maintain and easy to care for, you have to be patient at first while they get used to us, but I assure you that you will love to have one of these, and that you will spend many beautiful moments with him. thank you very much for your attention, greetings to all.

All photographs and videos are my own.



Awwww he is so cute! Oreo is a lovely name and very fit, as he is black and white in the same time. I wonder if you will manage to teach him a couple of things, I think you have to have a lot of patience with pets when it comes to teaching tricks


I'm already doing that, she's so cute and charming I really love to be with it, and my dog is getting just to be with her, that's makes me so happy
