Wood Texture

A couple of days ago I posted my photo shoot about the vine in our yard and today I'd like to show you some amazing wood textures.

Wood Texture 1.jpg

I was able to find some firewood at the countryside, ready to be used. Whoever cut the wood had one goal, which was to cut it and finish with it as soon as possible. So there's no art in these pieces, but I still see the beauty.


This must have been a big piece as it is cut in half without measuring. For me it's perfect because I still can see the rings. You can see that small dot in the middle, where it all started. The slowly the rings started to add, one each year. What is interesting to notice, the size of the rings outwards. Those rings are thinner and thinner,


The wood is already dry, that's why there are those cracks on it.


This is another wonderful piece, the rings are clearly visible. if you have the necessary time and patience, you can count the rings to find out how old the tree really was when it was cut out.


The most interesting part of the wood, if you ask me, is where the new branches grew. The lower piece of wood had two branches growing. You can also count the rings of the branches.

The upper piece has been poured oil on at some point, maybe more than once as it's colored.





For me, every piece of wood has a unique story to tell. Each ring, every little branch, every bruise or ct has a story to tell.


This one looks like some kind of failed artwork. It wasn't intentional. I was told it is like that because the blade wasn't sharp and could not cut the wood in one go. Rotating the wood and trying to cut it, made these marks, plus when it began to get stuck in the wood, kind of started to burn and left these marks.


This is an interesting one, it looks like the outer layers were added later, which is obviously nonsense as you can't do that. However, there's that mark that separated the inside.

Nature is mysterious, don't you think?



I've always liked the smell of wood. As a child, I used to walk in a sawmill. It was unforgettable. Great post. Thanks a lot.
