Iaac #day43#


Hello peeps, good morning to you all, it's great to see the blue beautiful sky this morning.
Today I will be talking about,"sleep".



Sleep is the act of resting on the bed with our eyes closed,without knowing what is going on.sleep helps us gain strength, energy for the stress we have passed through during the day ,sleep is different from resting, when you are resting you will not close your eyes infact you know what is going on around you ,one can even be watching TV when resting or lying down and be mindful.
So there's this different between them,now don't miss them together,rest when it's necessary, sleep when it's necessary.don't sleep at work, some people work at night that they need to rest/sleep during the day,to recover more strength.so what now happened to some of us that sleep at night and still go to work to sleep, when you sleep during work hours you might even do mistakes without knowing,this can Tanish the image of the organization you work and even you as individuals.we are not saying you shouldn't sleep because sleep is still important but it has to be for a reason,we have night sleep,some on bed rest because they don't normally sleep, some are on sleeping pills,let use our time wisely not just to sleep away our success when others are making it. thank you
