A little vegan love for Mother Earth (Contest)

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Our Mother Earth is always there for everyone. The question is what do we do to protect her from unconscious minds? This is the question of the #PlantPower(Vegan) Community as part of International Earth Day. What are we willing to do for her regardless of governmental support, which in truth is very little?

Since a few months ago in the area where I live, we have been exposed to strong smells of burning. This is pronounced precisely in the early hours of the morning and inside our houses, we can feel the strong smell. Many people report that children and elderly people have allergies of different kinds.

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In morning walks around 6 am, you can see the clouds of smoke in different streets, on previous occasions I did not charge the cell phone to make a record of these spaces with their clouds of smoke.

Today in the morning I went out to carry out an administrative activity in a sector called Campo Oficina. When I went out I made different registers and by the different streets until arriving at the site I could see the smoke in them, in each image presented where the arrow is placed is where you can see the spaces a little gray by the smoke that is already disappearing with the passing of the hours. This is constant as I said before since a few months ago.

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About this, in the sector where I live, there is a WhatsApp group in several places to be informed on various issues that concern the whole industry, including water, electricity, asphalting, security, and others if you have made comments about the subject, only comments.

In this case, my participation is to investigate where the smoke is coming from, and where the burning is taking place, at the time of the diligence while I was waiting, people who were there commented that it was all over the city, even in San Jose de Guanipa known as El Tigrito, the situation is stronger.

In addition to investigating the focus of the burning, which according to the comments heard is all over the area, motivate all the people to attend with banners so that we can be heard on the subject. To get to the heart of the problem, what is being burned and why, which involves all of us, it is so big that in the homes it penetrates into the rooms and spaces of the house.

In addition to protesting a little, planting trees is another activity incorporated into the project, there is plenty of space to do so, where each family is committed to taking care of what is planted.

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People talk about it but it is still unknown where it comes from.

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The last picture is in a field office.

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Cover image created by the author with Canva's own resources, April 2024.
All photographs are the property of the author and edited in Canva.
Dividers Source

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Hola @mercmarg

El problema de la quema de desechos sólidos, es un tema recurrente en muchas partes de Venezuela, lo que trae como consecuencia la contaminación del aire, con la subsecuente afectación de la salud de las personas que viven en el entorno al foco de la quema y el deterioro ambiental. Muchas veces estos actos provienen de personas que incineran sus desechos sólidos, por ausencia de un servicio constante de Aseo Urbano, aunque esto no justifica dicha acción, pues se está generando un problema mayor. Por otra parte, estas quemas empobrecen los suelos, que se deterioran por décadas.

Si el origen de estos focos de contaminación es industrial, el problema es mucho más grave, porque pueden verse inmerso otros elementos, materiales y sustancias aún más tóxicas para el medio ambiente y la salud humana.

Espero que con la constante presión ciudadana que señalas, puedan eliminarse dichos focos de contaminación.

Tu post ha sido el único que ha entrado al concurso, razón por la cual, eres la ganadora del mismo. Muchas gracias por haberte tomado tu tiempo y puesto interés en esta actividad.



Gracias, muchas gracias

Mi intención es seguir investigando de donde proviene.
Lo otro es que dicen que son los desechos que recoge el aseo.
Quizás reciben órdenes para hacerlo , porque todo está tan deteriorado y no les queda de otra ocasionando daños al ambiente.

