No Dancing!




I warned you, didn’t I? I told you countless times not to do this but you wouldn’t listen. You never listen to me, do you? Now see what You have caused yourself. Just take a look at the mess you have put yourself into.
You felt the world cared about you just because they were cheering and clapping for you? Apparently, no one does, and they wouldn’t even do considering that you are in such bad shape right now.
I don’t even know what mom would do or say when she arrives here because she trusted me so well to look after you and now we are busted.
I couldn’t even take care of you as my major responsibility, what will I tell mom now? That I let you to the stage she warned you since age 7 not to be on?
Perhaps she saw this happening someday that is why she never wanted you to be there. But what did you do? You thought mom hated you and wanted to deprive you of one thing you love very much.

Sister, I am sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. Of course, you didn’t mean it, Cara. But did you have to work out yourself so much? You didn’t even have a good rest last night, because you were up practicing the same moves as if your life depended on it.
Haven’t your teacher or whatsoever ever told you that you need a good rest the night before the big show to be able to perform well? I blame myself for all this. I shouldn’t have bought into your idea when this whole thing started. I should have just followed mom’s instructions when she specifically told me NO Dancing

Hello Miss, I am Mrs. Samantha, I am here to see my daughter please, she has just been admitted, name, Cara.
Okay Ma'am, this way, please?
Kate! Cara!
Oh my God, what is going on here?
Cara where did you fall from? Goodness Lord, look at the state of your leg.
Mom, I can explain, Kate cut in.
Explain what Kate? What happened to Cara? Where were you when she hurt herself in this way?
Tell me, Kate, speak up. What happened?
Yes? Go on!. You know what? Just let it be for now.
Cara darling, are you feeling any better? I am so sorry my poor child.

Kate and Cara’s eyes met with each other and Cara could see the anger and fright in her sister’s eyes. She could interpret them even without being told.
Kate was angry at her and was worried at the same time about what she was going to tell their mom.
Mrs. Samantha entrusted Cara the younger one into Kate’s hands, so she would stop at nothing to scold her when she gets to know about the truth.

Kate was already making up her speeches for when their mom would be ready to ask her again about the whole situation.
Come here, Kate! Mrs. Samantha called out to her when they both left the hospital.
Now would you mind explaining to me what really happened back there with your younger sister Cara? How did she get so hurt? What if it had gotten even worst? What would you have had to say about it?

So now tell me, I am waiting, what exactly really happened? And this time no twisting or dragging of words, go straight to the point.
Come on young lady, I am listening.
What is it, could you speak already? Mrs. Samantha shouted because she was already agitated.
Mom, Cara is Dancing
Wait what? Did I just hear you say, Cara is still dancing?
Oh no! Please tell me she didn’t hurt herself like that in the process. Tell me it's a lie Kate.
She did mom. Actually, she was...
She was what Kate? I have told you severally not to let Cara dance. I sat you down before moving you two to the boarding house, I told you to take really good care of your younger sister and I specifically told you No Dancing
Which part about that didn’t you understand Kate? How could you be so careless and carefree with your sister’s life?

I trusted you to handle responsibilities well but you failed me this time Kate. Why? Why did you do it?
Mom, could you just please hear me out?
I love my little sister as much as I love you. I couldn’t just watch her bury her dreams and passion. She loves dancing. You and I know this pretty well because it's has been so right from when she was just a little child.
I know I made a mistake mom and I really hope you forgive me this one time but please I wanna plead that we stand by Cara and encourage her now that she needs us the most. Let’s not ruin her life by snatching from her the one thing she loves doing with her whole heart.
Can’t you see mom that Cara wasn’t really bothered about her hurt foot? The pain isn’t with the broken ankle but the hurt and scar that will be left in her heart if we stop her from doing this.

Please, mom, trust me on this one. Cara really needs us right now and we should try as much as we can to be there for her.
This is going to be hard Kate, and I hope I won’t be making the worst decision of my life by agreeing to this.
No, you won’t mom, thank you very much, we love you.



seems like fascist mom needs to just mind her own business. my body by rules. I dance if I want to on a stage or not.

I think. I think it was Emma Goldman who said

If I can't dance freely in your world I want no part in your revolution

Sadly most people in the real world think that violence is the way to make someone "understand". It's not and will never be. Just because someone does what you want out of fear of being reprimanded doesn't mean they "understand" and also does not mean they respect that aggressive person forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do.

In this story that "mom" is trying to force her child to stop dancing by means of twisting meanings into the children that dancing is bad by putting fear into their hearts for the dangers lurking around at every turn in the practice of dancing.

Dance on like no is watching and dance freely without imposing on others right to dance the way they want to. The non aggression principal is a must to understand and most already do so by emotional intelligence. IE, "It's immoral to force someone to do something that they don't want to do."

Force comes in various forms. there doesn't need to be violence in physical form so ling as you can manipulate the perspectives, especially at a young age when they are so open to accept whatever one gives them as truth.

For example, we tell children that Santa Clause exist. an obvious lie and a violent throw against their noggin. When they discover that it is not true, they get hurt and and trust the ones that push that agenda even less as a result. A lesson they will never forget.

Albeit as adults we have the responsibility of owning up to our actions and telling even small white lies can have major repercussions in the future.

We tell tell them that Santa is required for a stable holiday but that isn't true. We tell little elves make the toys till they discover that economic slaves is what constructed them.

Its our labor in constant that keeps our "system" going, not some make believe entity. I use the Santa Clause example to explain why government does not exist and that money is not necessary for this world to function. When explained correctly, it will help us move towards a consensus that will hopefully push a new paradigm shift towards a better tomorrow.

What does this have to do with "mom" and her children dancing?

Imagine then that if this mom decided to just keep ignoring the daughters pleads to keep dancing. If they refused? The mom like most people with this dangerous belief would use their threats that have built-in into their minds to get what she wants. or father would use force, or take away their freedom by locking them away in the room.

This is what "government" does ie mom.

Do as we say or else.

No dancing or your grounded

No traveling without our permission or get locked up and fined


There is a change here, a change in the mother's heart. In a way, this story could represent every parent who seeks to protect a child and in doing so, impedes the child's growth. The conflict here is more in Kate than in the mother. Kate is given a grave responsibility that goes against her own heart.

You give a satisfying conclusion to this story.

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I am glad the conclusion was satisfying. Thank you for the feedback.

And yes, I have encouraged a few authors today. Thank you for the reminder


Wow, your story speaks so much about the happening around our families. Many parents in the name of love deprive their children of accomplishing their dreams and this makes them withdrawn and shattered feeling low but thank God for Kate who helped her mother understood the pains and havoc she would be causing if Cara is deprived of what gives her happiness.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.


Yeah, that's exactly what happens in our world today.
Thank you for stopping by
