[Live] Another Great CTP Inner Circle Mastermind

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Yesterday I spent most of the day away from my computer. I managed to get a couple of tasks done before I left in the morning. I was not going to miss my Inner Circle Mastermind Meeting with my CTP friends and mentors though. We discussed the secrets in Section 2 (Fill Your Funnel)of the Traffic Secrets Book by Russell Brunson.
Section 2 covers Secrets 8-15. Secrets 8& 9 are about how to fill your funnels organically (working your way in) and with paid ads (buying your way in).
In Secrets 10-13 he talks about using the four big platforms (2 social and 2 search), Instagram, Facebook, Google, and YouTube to reach your audience.
In these chapters he lays out a six step framework that is used everywhere.
Also, he stresses to start slow and learn one platform well before you move onto the next.
Last night one of the things we talked about was things I need to be doing for the My1440 project. Namely focusing all my energy on building it! First thing on that is building my list and promoting My1440 and only my1440.


This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv
