
The alt market is in the red and a lot of people are wondering if the bull run is over. The last bull run was in 2017. I was just starting out my cryptocurrency journey creating content on steemit. I didn't know anything about crypto then.


Trading never crossed my mind. All I wanted to do was post content, curate, get rewarded and buy the lambo. The possibility of buying the lambo was very real then. Prices were off the roof just as we have been having recently. The bear market that we experienced until the end of 2020 was an eye opener. I realised that in the business of crypto, you cannot sit still.

In my previous iteration as a crypto enthusiast, I told anyone who cared to listen that steemit was it all. I believed in the project enough to onboard people. What I didn't do was research other projects and try to understand the geography of the crypto space. At the end, it was the buyers, those who traded for us, that gained.

At that time, I wasn't a crypto enthusiast as I thought. I was a steemit shill. When the bear market began, I had nothing but my small portfolio to fall back on. I disobeyed a vital rule of investment which is to diversify. I did try other crypto options; whaleshares, narrative, smoke, etc. But I was simply doing it safe. I would say that writing is what I know so I will stick to it.

I began to dip my feet into the sea that is Binance when my small stockpile of Sbd began to run out. Desperate, I started reading. I knew nothing about trading. I lost everything. I went back again and again and soon I started getting some wins.

Despite those wins, without a job, I soon began to power down my steem. I became more desperate. I tried upptrend, qunqun and some funny crypto apps to no avail. The issue remained that my stake in the crypto space was very small and I was insulated from the world. I was still a content creator, trying to avoid the technicality of the blockchain space. There was no way I could have made any money with my ignorance.

I knew nothing of investments, I never attempted to buy a coin that was not either steem, hive or btc. That I have some leo in my wallet and some cards on the splinterlands game was not because I had foresight but rather out of boredom. I didn't know what to do with them.

Strangely,it is my love for writing that kept me on the blockchain space and on the hive chain. I know many who left hive and other writing platforms during the previous bear market. They were not writers in most cases.Now though, I think I have learnt my lessons.

Bear markets will come again and soon. It cannot be avoided. This does not mean that one cannot take profit. I do not intend to make the same mistakes I made last time. This time, thanks to a few friends, I am more aware of the crypto space beyond hive and content creation. I have my ears on the chain, so to speak.

The things I am doing different this time include hodling. I am hodling any coin I can get my hands on. All my exchanges in recent times have not been to my bank but to buy other coins. Yes, I am also investing in cheap coins. They might turn out to be shitcoins but it is a risk I can manage. Apart from these, I am doing things outside content creation. I have recently started doing airdrops and yes I have been scammed. Last and not the least, I am going back to trading. I am waiting for a proper stockpile of coins and I will head back to Binance.

My loyalty to the hive chain while ensuring an engagement and interaction that is almost absent on other blockchains is not enough. If I am to grasp a more certain financial future out of the possibilities of cryptocurrency, I must traverse the vast reaches and the wide spaces of its country.

With such a state of mind, as well as knowing that each and everyday new blockchain supported projects arise that might change one's life, the coming bear market won't be as painful as the previous one. Hopefully I will have on ground the tools needed to survive another crypto winter.

This chain fostered me and for most people, it is the gateway drug into crypto addiction. The steem chain now hive opened a Vista so different from my everyday life. It gave me another way to get on with life. The door is open. It is left for me to walk in, find a place to sit and watch the world through this different lens. Good morning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
