Enraged and Increased Stats Killer


When the Dispel Ability hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy, thus also removing the increased stats of a monster whose stats have increased. Monsters with increased stats become much more dangerous in battle and serve to remove their positive status. In short, the Dispel Ability is a complete Increased stats killer.

Dispel Ability


There are 20 cards with Dispel Ability in the Splinterlands, and I can say that my favorite among them is Spirit Hoarder due to the Triage Ability.

  • Triage Ability : Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health.
    Dispel Ability : When this monster hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.

It is unbelievable that these two great abilities, which can be very effective in battles and can be of great benefit to my team, are only on one card, so I can say that I prefer Spirit Hoarder more.

Let's examine the Dispel Ability in a battle.

Battle Link

  • Earthquake: Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.
  • What Doesn’t Kill You: All Monsters have the Enrage ability.

Enrage Ability : This unit has 50% bonus Melee attack and Speed when not at full health.

According to the rulesets of the battle, all Monsters in this battle will have the Enrage Ability, and non-flying Monsters will take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round. I added Spirit Hoarder to my team because I believe that it will be very effective in this battle and be useful to my team with its abilities. Additionally, even if it took 2 Melee damage at the end of each round, it could survive until the end of the battle as long as it was not targeted by enemies since it had the Triage Ability. It's exactly these kinds of battles that make Spirit Hoarder a special card.

Spirit Hoarder really performed great in this battle and ruined almost all the opposing player's plans. Spirit Hoarder cleared all positive status effects that Quora Towershead gained each round in a single hit, preventing Quora Towershead from being very effective in the battle. That's exactly why I add Spirit Hoarder to my team without hesitation in such battles. Also, Spirit Hoarder being a Neutral Monster card makes it even more special because I get to use it in more battles.

The price of a copy of the Spirit Hoarder card, a legendary card, starts at $1.37 on the market. Frankly, I was very surprised that it was sold so cheaply. I don't remember how much I bought it for, but I bought it for much more. However, on the other hand, the fact that it is sold so cheaply is an opportunity for me, so I plan to upgrade it to level 4 as soon as possible.

What do you think about the Spirit Hoarder and the Dispel Ability?

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

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