Signs That Shows Entrepreneurship Is Not For You


Two years ago when I was working for someone, I had a friend who was very comfortable with the idea of working for someone. No matter how I try to let him know how liberating being an entrepreneur, he is still not willing to take that risk, probably because he must have taken a risk in the past and it didn’t work out well for him, I don’t know. But this is a little self fulfilling for him because he knows and he is not trying to force it. But some people do know that entrepreneurship is not for them, but because that is the trending stuff at the moment they don’t want to miss out.


They keep forcing theirselves and suffering in silence. Statistics shows that more than 30% of businesses fail after almost 5 years, this failure could be caused by lots of things. It could be lack of money, lack of interest or passion. Most times what drives you in business is passion. If you have passion for it, you will always look for a way to make it work out.

Being a successful entrepreneur needs lots of sacrifice and this sacrifices include your time, money and attention. It’s also right to know that as an entrepreneur you will make mistakes and fail a lot. But you shouldn’t give up, because you might fail 3 times and give up but the chances of it working out the 4th time was all you needed.

The first sign I will consider when trying to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur is being stuck in your comfort zone. Are you willing to do something outside your comfort zone? When last did you do something that scares you? Are you scared of taking the first bold step because you feel you will fail, well that’s a big sign of not being ready to be an entrepreneur.

Don’t ever think that entrepreneurship is a sign of getting quick money because that’s the beginning of failure for you. Entrepreneurship is one of the slowest way to make money, you literally spend your first few years making mistakes and trying to make the best decisions that will lead you to financial freedom. You work way harder and longer than a person with job, while the person with a job receives salary at the end of the month, some times you don’t make profit and profit is your payment. Although there are lots of entrepreneurs that were working a full time job and simultaneously building their businesses. But they do that for financial support and financial security.

If you are a procrastinator, forget it, don’t worry about being an entrepreneur. Procrastinators are people that don’t manage their time properly, they always have an excuse to not getting things done. Being an entrepreneur means that no one controls you and your time and if you don’t manage your time or Chanel it into some productive, then you are bound to fail as an entrepreneur.

If you are not a problem solver, you panic at the first sign of problem then there is problem. This is where you have to leverage on others, you try and network or connect with people that have the ability to solve problems.

If you are always making a lot of talks but not working your talks then it’s a problem. No matter how many business plans or how good your business plans are, if you don’t work it you won’t achieve it. It’s like planning a meal without cooking it, you will die of hunger.

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I'm a procrastinator, most people are anyways 😂
I think a good research topic would be what successful entrepreneurs say about procrastination, some of them were surely procrastinators but still became successful.

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Well, am certain that successful don’t. They definitely make it happen


Yea, they make it happen. But my bet is that there's no way all the successful entrepreneurs are non-procrastinators.

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That’s right, some people are lucky


Yea, and some ideas are so good, you'd procrastinate a lot but the few times you were able to make things happen will count for a lot 😊

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That’s true though. I have friends ins cook that procrastinate a lot but they were still one of the best in class
