How to Best Secure your Assets?


You see, the rich and the poor have something about money in common.
Both do not store value in cash.

Because money is very volatile and is out of your control.
They convert assets into cash only when necessary for a transaction.

Value vs Money

The poor wise men store their crops as a store of value, they also store their value in jewelry, precious stones, gold, birds, cows, in nature, etc.

The rich store values in real estate, stocks, shares, commodities, etc.
The rich are used to saying, "I am rich, but I have no money." It is true.

Only workers, that is the middle-class store their values of saving accounts, where it neither yields nor profits.
This concept by the middle-class is good for the economy, but that's not what money is for.

Money must be a temporary vehicle of transaction and not a permanent store of value.
So my question to you today is 'How do you store value'?

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