What does Hive need to thrive?


Linear reward curve?

We all know Hive has dropped like a stone into deep water lately, but I am sure this is not the end of Hive's story. I am asking people what they think Hive needs to thrive. And in my opinion, the first thing that should change is the reward curve. Now the bigger the value a post gets, the bigger the reward, it goes into a parabolic shape. Which is in my opinion only helping the bigger accounts, and discouraging for the small fish in this pond. So a linear reward curve, could sure help Hive forward.


Rewards past the 7 day mark

Now a post can only be rewarded the first seven days. I see no valid reason why that should stay that way. Why not impose a different reward pool for posts that are older than seven days. A post of one year ago could be very relevant today, and should be able to still get upvoted, and gain a return.
Why not give it a try?

Ads to burn Hive

Now the inflation of Hive is quite substantial, and by that it devalues Hive a lot. Why not follow the example of LEO and show ads on the main front ends. With the return of those ads, you buy up Hive on the exchanges, and burn it. It would benefit us all, and it is quite simple to do.

Think out of the box

Most ideas that come outside of the main box, are usually the best ones, so I dare people to think outside the box and propose even the wildest ideas, maybe we find the chicken with the golden eggs that way. So drop all your ideas, nothing can be too silly!




Less expectations!
I think people put to much expectation on wuality content, so everyday posts like selfies or so wont be desirable. For a lot of people it is exact this reason they leave tge chain, feeling that they wont match the expactations.

As to the rewards after 7days, that would be something ti consider, as sometimes the only rwason not to uload a video for example is due to not reciving rewards after 7days, unlike LBRY for example.

Good thinking here as allways!

Posted using Dapplr


None of that matters.

People are looking at the small potatoes. They need to see the bigger picture.

The reality that will drive Hive is the resource credits, or more accurately, the need for them. This always was one of the major drivers for needing Hive. This means users.

Hive is far from a blogging platform yet that is what people want to focus upon. While it is a great way to get people involved, the layer 2 solutions need to step up. Also, if @blocktrades plan for a smart contract server come into being, then we will see a lot of doors opening up. This will mean that DeFi can take place on Hive. That means people will need Resource Credits (Hence Hive Power) to operate.

We know DeFi holds a lot of potential. It is still in its early stages. But, there will come a time when people realize that 400 million HIVE Is not enough out there. The liquidity will be scarce once traders realize they need a hundred of so HP to operate the way they want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


True, but in the meanwhile, the blogging is still important...


Marketing. That's what it currently needs asap. At least in my opinion. It would be the best time now to maeket Hive when things are really starting to gravitate around crypto and blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I just think that the power people on Hive don't have a common vision for the price, or just are focusing one something else. I believe there is the need of a balance between the infrastructure and business as wasn't ensures things are running smooth and the other that we have the revenues to invest and grow in a speed that will not take us out of the game. I wish to see proposals on the business layer, expand trading for Hive or make an exchange of our own and bring more income.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hey, sorry for hijacking your thread but I see you use the leofinance tag :)

Maybe next time you want to publish your posts through leofinance.io, as there are certains benefits and reasons when you do that!

First, there is now a 10 % tax for posts not through leofinace

Also, it helps a lot with the seo of leofinance. Which means more traffic, which means more ad revenue for leo burns, which means a higher token price, which means more money for you, lel. Please see the following for more info:

Also, me and to my knowledge the other leo whales show a preference when voting for posts through the leo interface. Personally, it's the only ones I check when curating.

So, tldr. You get more leo. Leo gets more expensive and more leo are burned. We all get a lambo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ok, I did not know that! Important information, I will definitely use the leofinance fronten in the future!
