VALLONE: Buy Yours with HBD

VALLONE: Buy Yours with HBD

Goood day Lion's I trust you are safe and well!

So it has been a little over 2 months since I first started my Aussie Made supplements business and while I'm not retired as yet it has been slowly moving which is a wonderful thing to see.

A bit about the product:

So far I have released two lines a pre workout which has been receiving wonderful feedback from everyone who has been using it for increased stamina, energy and pump. There has been some negatives as I went for pouches due to trying to keep costs low they haven't been the best storage.

Bag seals do tend to not last long and it is hard for people to access the pre workout. the reason behind it is because the cost of a plastic container is a lot higher. Being made in Australia I need to use special santised tubs which is a good thing because you never know what's being imported these days.

Protein Powder

My Protein Powder has been moving relatively stable with some nice turn over. Being plant based my market is a lot larger as around 75% of humans are lactose intolerant.

The mix of Faba beans and Yellow Pea provide a full amino acid profile and they are 100% Aussie grown making this one of my best products on the market.

I've started adding a banana into my protein powder and blending it to make a lunch time meal replacement with an added potassium boost and it just brings out a wonderful flavor.

I have kicked up my health eating tips and online blog which can be found on YouTube and I am also adding some to 3speak. I would have liked to use 3 speak more but I am not too sure I have the following on Hive specifically for health and fitness.

and for those that don't know I am also competing in a competition later this year, if you're interested I have put together another quick update on my progress and how I am fairing.

I managed to drop from 91kgs down to 82 in about 3 weeks and now maintaining this mark.

While I do have your attention I do want to remind all the wonderful Hiver's that I am making my product on offer to be able to be purchased with HBD. So if you are interested in picking up some Protein Powder or Pre workout reach out at the bottom of this post.

Alternatively you can purchase from my online store I do have chocolate protein heading out soon and I will be revamping most my products in the coming months with tubs.

So make sure to follow along and support a small business!

image and videos supplied are mine. This is purchasing advice and a promotional post to raise awareness of an up and coming Australian business! to all those who have already supported me. Thank you


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Do you have pricing in HBD you can share?
