NEO's Flamingo Finance release schedule changed + user guide released


Hello, this is kimm. As Mint Rush of Flamingo Finance, NEO's first DeFi project, approaches in the 3rd, Flamingo Finance's user guide hasbeen released . For reference, the release date of Flamincome, which acts as a yield aggregator by wrapping assets on the Ethereum network, has been delayed by two days from the original plan, but Mint Rush is scheduled to start at 22:00 on September 25th according to the existing schedule .

#One. Changed release schedule

progress update.jpeg

  • September 23, 22:00: Flamincome and Flamingo Wrapper released
  • September 25, 22:00: Flamingo Vault launch and Mint Rush start


  • September 23: NEO, nWBTC, nUSDT, ONTd wrapping support
  • September 23~25: nWETH, ETH/WBTC LP token wrapping support
  • September 25th: Support for staking all of the above assets in Vault + Mint Rush start

#2. FLM token distribution


To date , there are a total of 6 digital assets that can participate in FLM token mining in the Mint Rush stage, including NEO, wBTC, ETH, USDT, WBTC/ETH LP, and ONT, ofwhich the proportion allocated to NEO is overwhelmingly high at 50%. .

Other assets, allocated at 17.5%, are expected to be composed of the highest-returned assets in various Ethereum yield farming projects that have been released to date, but there was no specific announcement as to what exactly this would be.

#3. Can flamingos succeed?


Users participating in FLM mining with NEO only need to install a wallet called NeoLine, but users who want to participate in FLM mining with assets on the Ethereum network must use both NeoLine and Metamask, and users who want to participate in ONT must use NeoLine and Cyano wallets Should all be used.

cyano wallet.png

Flamincome Yield Aggregator is a method in which users lock up assets in other blockchains such as Ethereum and Ontology and delegate yield farming to Flamincome , so it follows a little inconvenient usage.

Already, the distinction between Flamingo and Flamincome can be recognized as a sufficiently complex concept by many users. In addition, the fact that several types ofwallets must be used at the same time , and a too complex and long user guide may act as an entry barrier if wrongly done. .

The user guides above are explained in great detail so that even beginners can follow them, but it is true that even users who are familiar with using the wallet are too much to read it.

Flamincome's rate of return, initial FLM formation price, Bitcoin and NEO price movements, etc. are expected to be the most important variables at this time, and the types of tokens that can be purchased with stablecoins to be released later, NEP-5 tokens in the NEO ecosystem It seems that their prices will determine the price of FLM and the success of Flamingo itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance
