My Splinterlands Journey


The weekly Splinterlands Social Media challenge inspired this post and I think it's never a bad idea to look back on my journey. Feel free to talk about your journey. It's been a few years for me on Splinterlands and I still play it daily.

Discovery of Splinterlands

How did you come across Splinterlands? Was it through a friend, social media, or perhaps a chance encounter? Share the story of your first introduction to this enthralling world.

I discovered Splinterlands through an ad on the Brave browser. I saw it was a game and I decided then to give it a try. It would only require $10 and that was also how I ended up here on Hive. As I looked up more information on the game, I realized that there was a blogging aspect to the Hive blockchain and that could help fund my own journey in Splinterlands. It took time and I almost gave up blogging, but I am glad that I stuck through it.

Duration of Participation

How long have you been a part of Splinterlands? Are you a seasoned veteran or a recent addition to this mesmerizing realm?

It hasn't been very long since my 3rd Hive birthday so I would have to say that it is slightly over 3 years for me so far. I think I am a seasoned veteran as I understand how things tend to go. Overall, I have more wins than losses.

Time Spent in Splinterlands

Share the amount of time you dedicate to Splinterlands daily. Does it consume a significant part of your day, or do you balance it with other activities?

I generally spend about 1-2 hours on Splinterlands per day. My focus is more on getting my ranked battles in to earn some focus and seasonal chests. I also participate in Guild brawls but that generally doesn't take very long. I use to play more when I first started with tournaments but I don't have as much time as I did in the past.


What have you managed to achieve in Splinterlands? Have you conquered certain leagues, earned particular rewards, or accomplished personal milestones that make your journey stand out?

I wouldn't really say that I have too much of an accomplishment but I did spend $1,000 when I first started to get some untamed packs. My account's worth was over $10k at one point in the bull market but that value has dropped back down to $2.5k. So I can't really say much outside of having a decent silver deck for modern fights. It's too bad that untamed will be removed soon so I might have some harder times in modern.

Upcoming Goals

What are your aspirations within Splinterlands? Are you aiming for a higher league, collecting specific cards, or mastering a new strategy? Share your future ambitions within the game.

I am aiming to get a solid gold deck in the future but it's been quite slow so far. I have at least gotten most of the Chaos Legion cards close to the silver cap but Rebellion will make me restart from scratch to an extent. Either way, I just try to improve my deck and I do want to stay in the Gold league if I can.

Advice for Beginners

Imagine speaking to someone who's just stepping into the Splinterlands universe. What advice would you give to beginners, based on your experience? Share tips, strategies, or insights that could help them navigate this world effectively.

After getting the cards available to you, I would suggest people try out tournaments. It was what helped me learn the most because people tend to use specific lineups and learning them is better than trying to figure out what the meta is. Personally, it takes a while to learn all the abilities and how to build your own lineup.

At the same time, I think people should start blogging as well. You can fund your journey on Splinterlands and you can start with the weekly challenges that they have. Sharing your content outside of Hive isn't really that hard either.


That is my Splinterlands journey. It's been 3 years and I am still playing the game every single day. The ranked battles have been quite tough though so you will have to upgrade your own deck to compete. My goal is to improve my deck and for now, that is to compete better in Gold league. All you need is an hour or two a day if you want to use up your energy. Tournaments are the best way to learn the game and blogging can be used to improve your deck.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It shows you enjoy the game and love it, to have achieved this much in the game in 3 years. I trust you will achieve more going forward. Splinterlands is a great game.


Yea. It is definitely a great game. It's changing but that was bound to happen over time.
