My Hive Goals for 2023 Week #40

I have decided to start posting a weekly update on my progress toward my 2023 goals here on Hive. It helps me stay on track and I can realize if I am behind on a goal at any point in time. I am still ahead or on track for all my goals. My HBD goal is pretty much set and I have a lot more leeway in LEO due to my April LPUD. We are in the last few months of the year


Above are statistics that I have gotten from HiveStats. This week was about the same as the previous week.


I got about more than last week with 64 HP earned throughout the week. I am checking this through the difference between the two endpoints on the graph on Hivestats. My author rewards are slightly up while my curation is about the same as last week. My goal for curation is to ensure that my voting power is never full. I was able to use up most of my voting power without any issues and I have changed some of my voting habits. It's been working out fine so far and my voting power hasn't overfilled.


I earned 17 HBD last week, which is slightly more than last week. I plan on using these earnings in Splinterlands to purchase cards and the price of HBD was slightly above the peg. HBD was above the peg yesterday so I converted 47.5 HBD for about 50k Splinterlands credits yesterday.

LEO Power

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I earned 54 LEO last week and this is only slightly higher than last week. Work has been keeping me busy and I had far less time last week. I also haven't gone back to threads just yet though. I do plan on going back there eventually though. Other than that, nothing has really changed. I do have enough LEO for my yearly LEO goal. It also looks like the Zealy Campaign has started up again but I don't think I will participate this time around. It does look more fair because they have the reward pool for the top 30%. This is better for everyone involved if they know who will get the rewards.


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It's been a week since my last update and I like my progress so far. My HP goal has been extended to 9.3k last week. There are still more than 2 months left and I am doing a great job already. There hasn't been anything different about the HBD interest rate discussions so nothing has changed on my HBD plan. For my HBD, I think I will be able to reach my goal next month and I don't have to worry about my HBD goal at all. I could still suffer if I slack off though.

Do you have any goals for 2023? What is the progress towards your own goals?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.


You are doing well. I also close to reaching my hive goal for the year. The same with Leo. Any money extra money i earn here is to cover my living expenses.


Thanks. I don't need to take out any money on Hive so most of my funds are just here to grow. Good luck and nice job getting close to finishing your goal for the year.


It has been interesting following up on your goals, you have done exceptionally well and you are doing great keeping an eye on HBD's movement to take advantage of it.


Yea. I just found a post that talked about the price of HBD around 1.05 so I took the chance to get some extra credits in Splinterlands.
