Savings in Brazil had its worst income in the last 10 years: Surprised? Not even a little


This post can also be read in Portuguese

The safest and most preferred investment by Brazilians, as expected, is the lowest yield of the last decade. The year 2020 had really come with both feet on the chest of people who believed they would make significant gains.

Fixed income has its "advantages" such as leaving money for emergencies, for example, but in terms of profitability, things change history. I grew up learning that the best way to invest would be savings because I don't have "risk of loss" and through compound interest over a few years, I could live off my monthly earnings.

But in the last few years, things have gotten worse and worse, fixed income as savings lose terribly compared to the country's inflation. To make matters worse, we are living in a health crisis because of Covid-19 and also an economic crisis. According to the Central Bank, the profitability of savings in 2020 was R$ 23.8 billion, thus it was the worst index since 2010.

Could it get any worse than that?

Whenever the SELIC (basic interest rate) is below 8.5%, the savings interest will yield 70% of the SELIC rate. At this time, the SELIC rate is at 2%, which means that the savings interest is at 1.4%, which gives something around 0.116%. In short ... a natural disaster. The piggy can't take so much evil.



While you are putting money into savings, instead of earning money you are actually losing money. The government preferred to lower the SELIC rate and this affected the fixed income market, the curious thing is that even with all this crisis, Brazilians still trust this banking system.

I do not blame them, as the vast majority of the population did not have an adequate education in their childhood, much less classes on financial education. The Brazilian grows in society by learning that the first thing he does with his salary is to pay the bills and the best form of investment is savings. So things get very difficult ...

BTC and the crypto market



Putting our attention to the cryptoverse, BTC was the most profitable in 2020, Bitcoin's profitability was 418.7%. Where in a bank or traditional broker could we obtain these gains?

Yes, cryptocurrencies are not part of fixed income, but variable income mainly because of their high volatility, but if we have long-term goals, the trend of whoever is going to hold BTC, can always make a profit.

With so much unemployment and false hopes for better days in the face of such crises that we are living in, the way out that could serve people would be a massive adhesion to cryptocurrencies. We would all have the freedom to control our own money and we would not need to be held hostage by banks and regulators, there is still hope and it is here in the blockchain.


Versão em português

O investimento mais seguro e mais preferido dos brasileiros como de se esperar é o de menor rendimento da ultima década. O ano de 2020 realmente havia chegado com os dois pés no peito das pessoas que acreditaram que iriam obter ganhos expressivos.

A renda fixa tem as suas "vantagens" como deixar um dinheiro para casos de emergência por exemplo, mas em termos de rentabilidade as coisas mudam de história. Eu cresci aprendendo que a melhor forma de investir seria a poupança por não ter "riscos de perda" e através do juros composto ao longos de alguns anos, eu poderia viver apenas de meus rendimentos mensais.

Mas nos ultimos anos, as coisas pioraram de vez, a renda fixa como a poupança perde terrivelmente se comparado com a inflação do país. Para piorar estamos vivendo em um crise sanitária por causa do Covid-19 e também crise econômica. De acordo com o Banco Central a rentabilidade da poupança em 2020 foi de R$ 23,8 bilhões, assim foi o pior índice desde 2010.

Poderia ficar pior do que isso?

Toda vez que a SELIC (taxa básica de juros) estiver abaixo de 8.5%, o juros da poupança irá render 70% da taxa SELIC. Nesse momento a taxa SELIC está em 2% então quer dizer que o juros da poupnça está em 1,4% o que dá algo em torno de 0.116%. Resumindo... um desatre natural. O porquinho não aguenta tanta maldade.

Enquanto você está colocando dinheiro na poupança, ao invés de está ganhando na verdade está perdendo dinheiro. O governo preferiu abaixar a taxa SELIC e isso afetou o mercado de renda fixa, o curioso é que mesmo com toda essa crise, o brasileiro ainda confia nesse sistema bancário.

Não os culpo, pois a grande maiora da população não teve uma instrução adequada em sua infância, muito menos aulas sobre educação financeira. O brasileiro cresce na sociedade aprendendo que primeira coisa que faz com o seu salário é para pagar as contas e a melhor forma de investimento é a poupança. Assim as coisas ficam bem difíceis...

BTC e o mercado dos criptoativos

Colocando nossas atenções para o cryptoverse, o BTC foi o que mais rendeu em 2020, A rentabilidade do Bitcoin foi de 418,7%. Onde em uma banco ou corretora tradicional poderíamos obter esses ganhos?

Sim, as criptomoedas não fazem parte da renda fixa e sim de renda variável principalmente pela sua alta volatidade, mas se tivermos objetivos a longo prazo, a tendência de quem for segurar o BTC, poderá sempre obter lucros.

Com tanto desemprego e falsas esperanças por dias melhores diante de tais crises que estamos vivendo, a saída que poderia servir para as pessoas seria uma adesão em massa para as criptomoedas. Todos teríamos a liberdade de controlar o nosso próprio dinheiro e nãp precisaríamos ficar presos reféns de bancos e orgãos reguladores, ainda há esperança sim e está aqui no blockchain.


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The banks has really done more harm than good,in lives of each citizen around the world. Having to keep money in my account here in Nigeria is a risk on its own, not to talk of the exorbitant fees being charged per transaction.

It's time people start waking up and get into the cryptoverse just like you have said.

Also, We all need to do our part to enlighten our close friends and family on the potential and freedom that comes with decentralization.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You are absolutely right, we have to do our part in this process.

It is always good to spread the word to start with friends and family, but it is always a challenge to try to convince them. I've tried it myself over and over lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I absolutely know how that feels too. You have to do alot of explaination and at the end they don't seem to get your point.

I think most people, if not all are drive by the money. So let's get the money and influence them to come here and make their too. That's a good bait isn't it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, money is a good bait and a weakness for human beings. Nowadays everything we do has to have money involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Concordo! Por muito tempo investi segundo o conselho de grandes bancos e hoje sei que deixei de ganhar muito dinheiro por conta disso. De alguns anos para cá tenho buscado outras formas de investir que atendam os meus próprios interesses e não aos das instituições bancárias. Inclusive, esse foi um dos grandes motivos de eu ter começado a me interessar por assuntos relacionados a blockchain


Fico feliz em ver que você tomou a atitude certa, é até humilhante as migalhas que os bancos nos oferecem como "lucros" de nossos investimentos sendo que eles obtém a maior parte dos rendimentos.

Espero que sua jornada crypto seja próspera e de muito sucesso! Vamos crescer juntos!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


As much as savings pay an interest rate, which is not what happens now, the rate of inflation has been higher than interest earned.

This means that in reality people have a false perception that they are making money when in reality their economic power is at its lowest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is true, an illusion of gains. Thus, they will never want to opt for another form of earnings even if they say that the profit could be higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
