Don't be that inverted investor


This post can also be read in Portuguese

When I had my first trade it was obviously with cryptocurrencies and honestly I was very naive. I discovered the universe of cryptography in a way that if I had the mentality that I have acquired today with time, I would not have started that way. I had no idea what to do and what I earned with a faucet sent to Poloniex and literally played with buying and selling, yes ... like a 10 year old child.

Of course, in order to learn more quickly, sometimes the theory only helps you to guide you north, but it is in practice that we really learn to deal with our challenges. I was studying the basics in Technical Analysis, but nothing that I consider myself a professional. Quite the contrary, but I always say that even knowing the basics we can make money.

But there will always be that type of investor who does not stick to wanting to understand what the market signals are indicating. He who always in community groups wants to know the opinion of what to do with his money. It is logical that advice is always good and welcome, but that does not mean that we must accept what people say and do. We are talking about our hard earned and precious money and it is always you who must have the last decision.

Do not become the inverted investor, the one who "buys from high and sells from low". Yes, unfortunately there are and there are many. Most of the time they are also called sardines and they probably have a "light" hand. They fail to assimilate that the crypto market is quite volatile when compared to the traditional market. It is an ocean of turbulent waters that, if it does not know how to navigate, will be swallowed by the whales.


The inverted investor does not worry about time and wants to make a profit in some way or another and if that means it is in the short term then he will go after it. We all know that a safer and more prosperous investment is one with long-term goals. Without pretending to get rich quickly and dealing with cryptocurrencies again, maybe in this long period we achieved our goal even before the stipulated deadline.

As we are familiar with, BTC is breaking through $ 11,000 and returning to the $ 10,000 range, but it is expected that at any time we will have the Bull run back and until then the most experienced trades will be able to accumulate their wealth. So having knowledge of what you are doing is the best thing to do. Research and study the projects where your money is invested and so you can have more peace of mind and security to follow.

Patience is often our ally to remain calm. Not everyone is lucky enough to win the lottery so make the time your friend so that in the future you can enjoy your winnings.


Versão em português

Quando eu tive meu primeiro com trade foi óbviamente com criptomoedas e sinceramente eu era muito ingênuo. Descobri o universo dos criptoativos por um caminho que se eu tivesse a mentalidade que tenho hoje adquirida com o tempo não começaria daquele jeito. Não fazia ideia do que fazer e o que ganhava com faucet enviava para Poloniex e literalmente brincava de comprar e vender, sim... como uma criança de 10 anos.

É claro que para aprender mais rapidamente às vezes a teoria só te ajuda a te guiar um norte, mas é na prática que realmenete aprendemos a lidar com nossos desafios. Fui estudando o básico em Análise Técnica, mas nada que eu me considere um profissional. Muito pelo contrário mas sempre digo que mesmo sabendo o básico conseguimos ganhar dinheiro.

Mas sempre vai existir aquele tipo de investidor que não se apega em querer compreender o que os sinais do mercado estão indicando. Aquele que sempre nos grupos de comunidades quer saber a opinião do que fazer com o seu dinheiro. É lógico que conselhos são sempre bons e bem-vindos, mas isso não quer dizer que devemos aceitar o que as pessoas dizem e fazer. Estamos falando do nosso suado e precioso dinheiro e é sempre você que deve ter a ultima decisão.

Não se torne o investidor invertido, aquele que "compra da alta e vende na baixa". Sim, infelizmente existem e não são poucos. Muito das vezes são chamados também de sardinhas e provavelmente possuem uma mão "leve". Não conseguem assimilar que o mercado cripto é bastante volátil se compararmos ao mercado tradicional. É um oceano de águas turbulentas que se não souber navegar irá ser engolido pelas baleias.

O investidor invertido não se preocupa com o tempo e quer de alguma forma ou de outra obter lucro e se isso quer dizer que seja a curto prazo então ele irá atrás disso. Todos nós sabemos que um investimento mais seguro e próspero é aquele com objetivos a longo prazo. Sem pretenções de enriquecimento rapidamente e se tratando novamente com as criptomoedas, talvez nesse longo período conseguimos nosso objetivo até antes do prazo estipulado.

O BTC como estamos familiarizados está nesse de romper $ 11 MIL e voltar na faixa dos $ 10 mil, mas muito se espera que a qualquer momento tenhamos a volta do Bull run e até lá os mais experientes trades vão conseguindo acumular suas riquezas. Por isso ter conhecimento do que está fazendo é a melhor coisa a se fazer. Pesquise e estude os projetos de onde seu dinheiro está investido e assim poderá ter mais tranquilidade e segurança para seguir.

A paciência muito das vezes é nossa aliada para permanecermos tranquilos. Nem todos têm a sorte de ganhar na loteria então faça o tempo sua amiga e assim no futuro poderá desfrutar cdos seus ganhos.


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Do not become the inverted investor, the one who "buys from high and sells from low". Yes, unfortunately there are and there are many.

Yes, unfortunately, we have many like that... Not just here, but everywhere... And I really don't have anything against short-thinkers... Some of them have made the choice and doing that as a part of their "plan"...

I have a problem only when that kind of people are posting meaningless posts about their "buying strategy" (on top) and luring other, less experienced people into their "poker game"... Ruining other's lives with their "expert advises"...

Thanks for pointing this important topic out!

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Thank you for adding precious information to this article.

There really are these "smart guys" and they attract many to your game. The newbies of this trade life have to be aware of this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The newbies of this trade life have to be aware of this.

I have made that mistake, and I know how it looks like... and doesn't want to see others going through that... That's why it's important to raise awareness about these things...


Let's earn buddy and fail the theory of "buy" and "sell".
