Difference Between Web2 vs Web3 Marketing


It's been quite some time since we have been in Web2 and as time passes by we are slowly making a shift towards Web3. The basic difference between the two is who owns the data, Web2 is centralized and owns all the data whereas Web3 is all about decentralization. You might hear about the data breach in all the big companies and other things, this is all because they keep the data in a centralized location which is bound to get hacked. Whereas when I talk about Web3, it is all about decentralized where none of the blocks knows what is there outside of it. And the good thing is, whoever participates knows enough about what they are supposed to know.

PC: Pixabay.com

I am not saying that hacking cannot happen in Web3, it's rare but it can happen. But even if it happens since no single party owns the data, the data breach would not be a problem on a big scale. Now since this is the major difference between the two the marketing seems to be changing accordingly. Now when we talk about marketing in Web3 we have to understand the very nature of Web3 which is decentralization and how the control is distributed among the users and not through the company like Web2.

Now when we have to do marketing, we also have to think about the money and other things. In Web2 we can get the budget from the profit and thus do the marketing but in Web3 it is a little different. Here cryptocurrency and Tokens come into the picture. When you are marketing you try to give some incentives to people who are joining early like an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) or AirDrops and then you have to keep the budget for marketing from the tokens itself. Like in the case of Hive, we have a Decentralized fund in the form of HBD which is being used for marketing.

One of the ways marketing is different in Web3 is all about how the community engages. In web3, it is mostly about building that community and thus community-driven approach is much more effective in reaching the masses. This is because when you are in that community, you know what is the real problem and how to fix that and that can only happen when you get involved with the community and that happens in Web3. In Web2, it is mostly about creating a social media presence, there is some feedback and other things but as an end user, you don't have much of a say.

When Web2 creates something new, it is pushing an idea to its users whereas Web3 is all about creating that idea from the ground up. It's all about the community again where the community comes together to create something new and meaningful.

Web3 is changing how the world does business and thus businesses are becoming much more open to ideas of decentralization which is quite a good thing in my opinion.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The marketing here is distinct, although there are some similarities between them. However, in web 3.0, the advantages are better.
