Rules for Success


Success is a very sought-after word in internet search engines, among them are success in life, how to reach success and among so many questions it depends on how it is searched, for the reason that people want success to come into their life to be a successful person.

When you hear the word success, you relate it to money, being a rich person, or some famous person, but in reality you know that success.

If I ask you at this moment which person would be Successful in this two example that I will give you:
The first is a famous person, with a lot of money in his bank account.


The second is a young man who finished his university studies.

Who is successful the first or the second. I know that many people will say the first because she is famous and has money in her bank account. But both are successful.

But what is Success for you?

What is Success? For me, success is something very subjective and ephemeral; because we do not all want the same thing, many people want to be successful in money and in business, others want to be successful in their studies. Success means fulfilling the purposes and dreams that we have in life, whatever your goal, your passion, objectives, if you fulfill it, you are being a successful person in life. So we must not mix success with the word money or fame.

There are many ways to achieve success in our lives, today I want to share with you some steps or rules to be successful, we must take into account.

Do what you like and are passionate about

I know this is a very complicated point because many people leave their studies and look for work, they end up hired for another area that they do not like, sometimes we take this job to start our business career, despite doing activities that you do not like. But this should not prevent you from doing things that you like, you can start this career in turn saving capital and starting your own business of what you like to do the most.
Don't waste your life doing something you don't like because you can't find the means, or rather the fear of losing a salary. I lasted 15 years in a public entity, I worked all that time something that was not for me, but because I had a closed entity that there were no more opportunities, because I was afraid of being left without a salary, I did not take that step until I reached this platform, where income and personal growth entryways were opened. Here every day I publish what I am passionate about writing about "personal growth", I share with many people, apart from the fact that my portfolio is also growing.

So get out of your comfort zone, do not stagnate, get out of that fish tank and look for the river that makes you happy, do what you are passionate about and you will see how your life changes, you will not live bitter doing something that you like passionate. Having passion for something you will meet your goals, which makes you get up every morning for it, our time is limited, do not let someone else's opinions turn off your voice.

Do your best

If you do what you are passionate about, this will not be a problem for you to dedicate the time that is necessary to fulfill your goals, spend a night without sleeping well, or get up early, you must strive every day to achieve your goals, it is one of the fundamental keys . Because if you do not make an effort, you are lazy, you will never achieve your successes.

Live like it's the last day

These words recur in many minds, but we must have a good meaning, many waste their time and money to say and if it were the last day, but if we see it in another way that we are lazy people you would like to die without leaving anything in this world ? Just ask yourself in front of your mirror in the morning if today is the last day, are you doing what you would like to do? Have you come to fulfill your dreams? Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, you will never know when your time will come, how you lived life.

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Apart from ding your best to me the most two important rule for success is be willing to learn and be contsitence in whatever you are doing,this two will help you to go along way in your pursuit for greatness and success in life

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Thanks for your input. You are right in your words.


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