Let's be like the eagle.- Principles of an Eagle ...


In other posts, you can talk about how we can observe it and bring the positives to our lives, this time I have come to talk to you about an animal that is a symbol of leadership, of power, of having no limits in its height, this is the eagle, and that these are the strongest and most majestic of all the birds in the sky, within each one of us lives an eagle, simply that our cultural means or the lack of courage and energy to assume full responsibility for our actions is what ends cornering the condition of simple birds destined to peck the ground in search of food from here to there.

Today I want to bring you some principles that we can have in our lives.


PRINCIPLE 1: Eagles fly alone

The eagles are always flying high, not near sparrows or other small birds that only seek to prowl the media in search of food to spare.

Stay away from sparrows and crows. Eagles fly with Eagles.

This first principle teaches us that we should stay away from people who are narrow-minded and lacking in commitment. You must surround yourself with Aguilas, an open-minded person who is always continually growing both personally and in business, who inspires you to grow, to demand yourself every day, because you continue alongside sparrows or poultry your life will always be the It is full of failures, doubts and fears since the corral is the comfort zone, in which you must always leave it to grow your potential.

Whoever pecks with free-range chickens, you will always be waiting for food, will never aspire to fly high in the hills, not having any type of personal growth or business.

PRINCIPLE 2 Eagles have strong vision.

These animals have a great ability to concentrate on something up to 3 km away, locating their prey, fine-tuning their aim and going after their objective regardless of the obstacle, since their vision is one of the largest in the animal kingdom. As the eagle descends from the sky, the muscles of its eyes continually adjust the curvature of its eyeballs to maintain a sharp focus, an accurate perception throughout the approach of the attack. No matter the obstacles, the eagle does not move: its focus on its prey until she grabs it.

Have a vision and stay focused no matter what obstacle you have and you will succeed. Each of us has 24 hours a day, a man with a vision focused on his goal will use time cautiously, he will invest most of it in the goals you want to achieve. A man of vision knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life, no matter what obstacles he may have.

PRINCIPLE 3: Eagles do not eat dead things.

These animals do not eat animals already hunted, they feed only on new prey. While carrion birds eat dead animals, eagles do not. Eagles are constantly on the alert to locate their fresh prey.

Do not trust the successes of the past, always keep looking for new frontiers to conquer, use only the past for references or experiences. Rather, recapitulate to constantly correct your direction. A man of knowledge keeps a constant eye on his thoughts and discards the labels that have been imposed on him in the past. Do not allow your mind to feed on limitations or beliefs from the past, do not stop growing, or else you will die trying, even stagnant water rots.

PRINCIPLE 4: Eagles love storms.

When a storm approaches, the eagles get excited, they fly to the high places to wait for the winds to come, when the storm hits, they simply spread their wings to lift their flight higher, because the wings rub against the wind, driving them higher. Once it finds the wind from the storm, the eagles use the furious gust of the storm to rise above the clouds, while the storms are destroying everything below the eagle does not escape from it, it simply uses it to soar above the top, giving you a chance to glide and rest your wings.
Meanwhile, all the birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees.

Adopt the aptitude of one who sees all things have beneficial potential for growth. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievements challenges, taste and use them profitably. Since storms can take you out of your comfort zone but it has the ability to lift you to the heights, regardless of the way you see the storm.

What does not kill you makes you stronger.

PRINCIPLE 5: The renewal act

As an eagle ages, its feathers become weak and cannot carry it as fast as it should. When you feel weak and punctual or to die, he or she retreats to a place far away, on the rocks. Once there, he plucks all the feathers on her body until she is completely naked. He remains in this hidden place until he has grown the new feathers, then he can come out.

From time to time they have to get rid of old habits, let go of pasts and elements that he carries without adding to our lives.

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