Do you have debts?


When we have debts in life, we look for different things to be able to get out of it, since being all the time with this type of debt your life is not happy, you live stressed, bad-tempered, even sometimes depressed. So we look for one and other alternatives but sometimes we always fall into them and sometimes we end up more in debt than at the beginning.

Today I come to share some ideas to avoid falling into these.

Do not go into debt to pay another Debt.

If you already have a deduction, the least advisable thing you should do to get a debt to pay one, even if you borrow from a friend, or from the bank, it will be difficult for you to get out of that debt again, the only thing you are doing is eating today to be hungry tomorrow. What we are doing is falling into a vicious circle that we will never get out of debt.

Never put Debt above your family.

I know you want to get out of debt, but that does not mean that you are going to take food from your family for wanting to get out of that debt quickly, look for an alternative to obtain a secondary income that helps you cancel your debts.

Make a list of your debts

By making a list of your debts you will have a notion of how much you owe, to whom you owe, what is the highest interest that you must pay first, only and only that one of your debts must be paid much before the one with the highest interest rate.

If you have debts, do not use a credit card

Try to use the credit card as little as possible, because if you have debts and even if you have ease of payment with the credits, you must reduce anything that makes your debts grow.

We postpone payments

If you have a facility to pay a small amount each month, start your payment get up to date, since accumulating the amount of the payment will make it more difficult to do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
