RE: LBI Voting Proposal Rebuttal


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So this is actually in effect for the LBI token or not yet and it's being talked about?
Sounds majorly like a bid bot in a way. Buy in get a guaranteed vote on your content.

I respect that many of you including yourself manual curate content its for sure what needs to be done and needs to continue to be done. It's a VERY time consuming process to try and find new accounts that have good articles, check it for plagiarism, read through it upvote it and maybe drop a comment.

It kind of brings me back to an article I wrote about a little bit about about delegations. Where you now have one account (which I'm sure often times is one person) now trying to do the curation work for 100 accounts+ while those that delegate sit back and collect the rewards. That reduces, engagement, people putting forth the time (investment money and time wise) into making this platform great. IDK I'm still leaning towards delegation and large accounts actually being a bad thing or at least having to be very closely monitored.
