1st edition - Day 13. Where will you be in 5 years ?



Where will you be in 5 years ? I have been asking the same question many years ago. This is remind me of myself long time ago were i think everything is possible. I learn that sky is the limit but when we put our hope to the sky , we end up frustrated if we didnt reach the sky. Most of adult or all the people will learn about it when they grow up.


Statistic say only 2% people is reach their dream because they have people around him helping him to reach their dream , either it was their family , relative , environment and culture. The environment is also include the religion , believe and people that with power who helping them climbing their dream. The rest , is struggle up reaching their dream . Some has to fight their own family or surrounding because they done believe in them. Some has to give up , and some become the victim of the race of the dream . A simple situation , a man work hard to get his dream job and he look deserve that position , but other people who might dont even want the job getting that job because the have internal connection and power. This look unfair but life is always not fair. The fast we realize this thing , is better so we can put our dream realistically .

I didnt say , that we cant reach our dream if we face that situation . All we need is another road to reach the destination and never stop dreaming. That's why we have to learn about this reality and adjust our dream. For me , i have make some of my dream come true. Its not easy , even now i still face the world reality . The world is not fair but i willing to adjust to make sure my dream come true in future.

For me , the real question is what is your dream in 5 years from now because those thing is not yet happen and we might see some roadblock when we making our way there. This is what in my dream list 5 years from now.

First in the list is financial freedom . Financial freedom is not necessary that we have a lot of money and we can buy everything . But for me , its mean i can do or go what ever i want without money restriction. How i gonna do that? For time being , all i can see is huge potential in HIVE with another crypto journey. As i have mention , i just learn about crypto in this 2 months. I try to dig everything that i can and i see huge potential on it , especially when come to hive , the potential is so huge. I have make decision , to make all the way up from nothing or scratch in this community .


Second , to have a good relation to person that i love . I might regret a bit for what happen to me few years ago where i have neglect a lot to building good relationship and memory with my family , friend and all people i love. But when you have nothing and being tested , you can see all the people that love you . Its time to love them back unconditionally . In 5 years from now, i want to get involve more to build good relationship with them.

Third in list is to travel again. Its doesnt matter if i have to travel inside the country or the other country , but what matter is i want to see things to learn everyday. So, this is what i think and might become reality in next 5 years , i ll be travelling with my family or friends together. I have been travelling solo back few years ago , and i really want to travel with people who i love together . I think this is possible in this few years because some of my friend also building the first list together now . We share some vision to become financial free in this few years.


So , this is my 3 list that i see will happening in this 5 years. I believe it is a process and process take times to become reality.


I don't have the list. Do you love me?
