Under Ninja [ES-EN]


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Hi guys and girls, today I bring you an anime that I watched several seasons ago (or was it last year, I don't remember). I think that the enhancement of anime where ninjas are the main characters, has become very popular in recent seasons (or is it that I had not noticed any previous ones). If I remember correctly, this was the second one I watched consecutively and the third one Ninja kamui which is from last season. Let's go to the synopsis of the anime I've been talking about.


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I'll start with the premise of "if you throw a stone in Japan, you would possibly hit a ninja". In present day Japan, a covert war is being waged, where sides fight to the death, where gore is present. We have a somewhat peculiar protagonist, who has a secret, as does the entire organization where he belongs. As it is in the current one, the technology of the ninjas is something unimaginable, giving a greater advantage to one side or the other because of what they have been able to advance in it.

I must say that this anime is something strange from its first chapter and in turn intriguing, because the fact of being ninjas, there are many hidden secrets, so many, that if we neglect the anime for a moment, we can skip something important (I say this from experience), there are plot points that are essential. I say it's weird because as its story goes slow, but at the same time, in every scene there can be relevant information for the future, apart from its animation (which I'll talk about it in a while)....


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Speaking of our protagonist, he's a pretty normal Chinese guy, who doesn't stand out at school, just because he looks older than the rest and walks barefoot. That he belongs to that school is part of the strategies in the war they have internally, because even among high schools there are infiltrated ninjas, something that can be expected.

Its animation at the beginning didn't seem striking to me, it's that in the first impression it's as if it was rough and lacked vitality, but... its designs are very well done, I'm not going to complain about that. It doesn't feel like in other anime where you feel more vibrant colors, but the designs are bad at times.

This anime is one of the few that I think you shouldn't watch on air, as I did (hahahahahaha), because during the week you feel like you're missing something (or well, that's my case). If you are going to watch it, it is better to watch it all at once, I give it a 9/10, I don't give it a 10, because it still needs a second season, which... nothing is known, only that its manga has enough material to make it.

I recommend it if you like the intrigue and the secrets of the ninjas, a big hug in the distance and we will read each other in a near occasion.


I N G L E S -- I N G L E S


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Hola chicos y chicas, hoy traigo un anime que vi hace varias temporadas (o fue la del año pasado, no recuerdo). Creo que el realce de animes donde los ninjas son los protagonistas, se ha vuelto algo muy popular en las últimas temporadas (o es que no me había dado cuenta de alguno anterior). Si no mal recuerdo, este fue el segundo que vi consecutivamente y el tercero Ninja kamui que es de la temporada pasada. Vamos a la sinopsis del anime que les vengo hablar.


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Comenzaré con la premisa de "si tiras una piedra en Japón, posiblemente golpearías a un ninja". En la actual Japón se libra una guerra encubierta, donde bandos luchan hasta la muerte, donde el gore se hace presente. Tenemos un protagonista algo peculiar, que tiene un secreto, al igual que toda la organización donde pertenece. Como es en la actual, la tecnología de los ninjas es algo inimaginable, dándole una mayor ventaja a un bando u otro por lo que han podido avanzar en ello.

Debo decir que este anime es algo extraño desde su primer capítulo y a su vez intrigante, porque el hecho de ser ninjas, hay muchos secretos ocultos, tantos, que si descuidamos el anime por un momento, podemos saltar algo importante (lo digo por experiencia), hay puntos de la trama que son esenciales. Digo que es raro porque como su historia va lenta, pero a su vez, en cada escena puede haber información relevante para el futuro, aparte su animación (que en un rato hablaré de ella)...


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Hablando de nuestro protagonista, es un chino bastante normal, que no destaca en el colegio, solo porque que parece mayor al resto y andar descalzó. Que pertenezca a ese colegio es parte de las estrategias en la guerra que tienen internamente, porque hasta entre institutos hay ninjas infiltrados, algo que se puede esperar.

Su animación al principio no me pareció llamativa, es que en la primera impresión es como si fuera tosca y careciera de vitalidad, pero... sus diseños están muy bien hechos, en eso si no voy a quejarme. No se siente como en otros animes que se sienten colores más vibrantes, pero los diseños son malos en ocasiones.

Este anime es de los pocos que opino que no deben verse en emisión, como yo lo hice (jajajajaja), porque en la semana sientes que pierdes algo (o bueno, ese es mi caso). Si lo van a ver, es mejor todo de corrido, yo le doy un 9/10, no le doy el 10, porque aún falta una segunda temporada, que... no se sabe nada, solo que su manga tiene material suficiente para hacerla.

Se los recomiendo si les gusta la intriga y los secretos de los ninjas, un gran abrazo en la distancia y nos leemos en un aproxima ocasión.



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Seems like this anime has not much of a fan coz I don't see it in facebook. That's my source of new anime series, and this is one of the anime that I never know, exist. The story sound interesting but to be sure if I will like it, i'll try to watch the trailer first. Thank you for sharing (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


hello... i think i saw it very little by social networks, is that when i say that its peculiar touch, it is possible that for that reason many left it in its first chapter. if you like ninjas i reconmiedo you. the short youtube, really does not show anything of the anime.


Bueno por el diseño de los dibujos ya me atrapó, lo que comentas también, la voy a buscar. Espero que no sea como la serie de Netflix de la Última Familia Ninja, vi la mitad del primer capítulo y me aburrió, la tuve que quitar.


jasjaja no se cual es, pero esta si tiene algo que desde el primer cap ya te da curiosidad


It was interesting to read this post, I've been looking for an anime of this type for a while, so that's it, this is the next one I'll watch. Certainly the animation is rough, but it doesn't really bother me since it's probably a very serious anime.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings!


la verdad ya luego de una rato uno se acostumbra a la animación, así que no es mucho problema ese apartado, el resto hace que sea un buen anime que no es para todo el mundo

gracias por pasarte un abrazo


The animation looks really brutal, personally I like them to be a little bit rustic. Without any doubt I'm going to put it on the list, the genre of ninjas is one of the ones I like the most because of the gore they can have. Thanks for the review.



I've never seen this anime before, but I love the features. It reminds me a bit of a serious anime. But I changed my mind seeing the gifs again, yes that guy in a dress LOL.
