My family πŸ‘ͺ and I are Alive and fine | IAAC #87


We, the expatriates, either living single or with only kids & wife (in most of the cases) in a foreign land. The rest of our family members are in our native place. Thanks to modern technology (Alhamdulillah), it is nowadays possible to stay in touch with them 24/7. So, any good news from our relatives reaches us instantly making us delighted. On the other hand, bad news makes us sad, tense and sometimes psychologically paralysed.

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Today, I am on duty in another clinic as a proxy GP because the latter thing happened to the doctor of this clinic. Her brother in Sri Lanka sustained an RTA yesterday morning. So, she was psychologically upset and couldn't join the work. Hence, I am in her chamber.

I don't know the details about their current status, and I pray for their well being but at the same, I am grateful to my creator. Because my immediate family members are all fine, alive and healthy. Alhamdulillah.

How about you? Are you grateful to your Lord?


How about you? Are you grateful to your Lord?

Why don't we thank our Lord Allah?
He is our Creator. This is our faith. Let death come to every human being. One day we have to go to him.May Allah help us. Let us not disobey him. And don't waste infinite life of aakhrat for this finite life of world.
