In space no one can hear you... - Storytelling Contest #2 - My entry


Fonte/Source: Picture made by @fireguardin to the contest

This is my entry for the contest promoted by @fireguardian here

The Mzarx500 is a fierce ship with cutting edge technology. It's by far the fastest ship in the 98D sector, it has full plasma cannons, that can shoot in any direction, its design in slick and oppressive, making all other ships to look like children's toys. It's so incredible that all the raiders of the sector try to put their hand on it, but always fail due to the speed and fire power of this ship. Most people call it "Death Lighting" but Captain Sam call it "The Moth". And Sam can do that, after all, who is the owner of the ship? That's right, Sam is. Maybe that name is because of the stealth system of the ship, or maybe because it can fly in any direction, but no one dares to question the Captain. The small crew that travel with Sam are Mink, the crazy torak space engineer and Lativber, the human weapon specialist. No one is sure of what race Sam is, but again, no one dares to question the Captain. They get along very well, and have been in many trips together. You could say they are family already, just don't say it in front of the Captain. Something happened in the past with the Cap's family, but by now you probably know already what I'm going to say right?
It all started as it always does: Sam got a message to help some traders in the border of Guklen, really close to the Runit system. "Ok, another easy job for us" thought Sam, while setting the course in the ship main window. "Warp gate ready to deploy Cap!" screamed Mink below the deck. Sam was not a big fan of warp gates, but it was the only way to get to the destination in time to meet the traders. With a simple gesture in the air, the portal was open in front of the ship. A big golden purple ripple in space, bending the view in front of them. Lativber gripped tight to the chair, and in a blink of an eye they were gone. The jump is supposed to be fast and clean, but for some reason it was taking longer than usual. Sam decided to look the left to watch the ripples of energy that happens when you warp, but what the Captain saw was...

... Nothing more than the normal scenary, but, this situation give him a felling, a diferent feeling, a feeling that he didn’t want to report to the crew, but when Mink and Lativber saw the empty expression and a certain redness on the Captain's always pale face, they understood that it must be something serious and were afraid to ask.

The captain stayed still for a few fractions of time, with that expression on his face and being watched by his crew until the alarms of the jump completion started to sound.

The captain moved around on the deck, confirming the jumping process and checkingcoordinates, when he stopped and spoke:

"Strange. Mink, check this out””,said the captain.

"Check what?",, asked Mink when he saw the captain again expressing feelings he rarely expressed.

The captain stopped, looked again at the controls and monitors, looked at the hatch, to the endless space that surrounded them, which looked different,, and pointed for the coordinate monitor.

"Look at this,", he said dryly and subdued.

Mink approached and looked at the monitor full of circles and markings, without understand aanything at first, but in a second conference, he understood what was wrong.

“Weird, the energetic traces of the planet Gumbla and the station military Stricni, are missing, perhaps are their emitters broken? But those are new emitters, it has been less than 15 cycles that these emitters have been installed and as far as I know they are always well taken care of, especially considering the recent and still unstable colonization of the planet and the necessary and important role of the station.” Mink looked confused. “Are we in the right position? That one set of stars to the left of the ship looks to me like the Moriyion constellation, it should be on our right, right? ”said Mink approaching the hatch at right.

Seeing that the captain did not respond, Mink turned and saw the captain again standing, now looking at the monitor, as if he didn't know what a monitor was.

"Captain?" Lativber joined the interaction. "It's all OK?"

Sam seemed to come back to reality, took a deep breath, looked at the front opening covered with armored space glass, protected by force fields of the highest quality, essential for high speeds and to withstand attacks from ships
much bigger, and said.

“Yes, we are in the right position, it is a matter of orientation, we are facing the contrary position to which we should be, but still, it is not about the positioning of the planet and the station, yet, reception is lacking. We are picking up guiding signals but only from the 3 Runitian planets and the ship who asked for support, even though… ”Sam broke off.

"Although what?" Asked Mink, looking at Lativber as he stood and approached the panel.

"I'm not sure," said Sam.

“Actually, when I looked, I didn't observe the directional positions, just the amount of signs, the planets are to the southeast, when they should be to the northeast, I don’t know where I was with my brains”,, said Mink, still looking at the monitors trying to understand what also seemed strange to him.

“Obviously they are on your thighs, in in your stomach and your chest, and in and in berry head" head",said Lativber, expecting an acid replica.

"Hmm ...", muttered Mink, surprising Lativber.

"Hmm what?", said Lativber, surprised at the lack of response from his friend torak.

"Did you discover anything?" Sam asked Mink.

“Yes, the help signal issued by the merchant ship is appearing in purple and in a strange pattern, let me see, ”said Mink, typing on keyboards below the signal monitors. “Yes, that code, it's old, it's been 20 cycles that was discontinued, along with several old ships. Captain, what's going on?”

"I don't know," said Sam in a deep voice.

“I don't understand anything, signs are missing, different signs, what are we going to do? I know, you two decide, I'll check and get the weapons ready, something is not right”, said Lativber, leaving through the central door of the deck, going towards the rest of the ship.

"What are we going to do, captain?" Asked Mink, seeing the silent captain looking into space.

“We are going to correct the course, and go towards the sign, obviously, we are already here, and I believe we don't have time to check why signs are missing ”, said Sam. “But send a nucleosonar signal in the direction fof the planet and the station, to see if they stay in the same place”.

"Yes captain," said Mink, finding the captain's speech strange, and beginning to type furiously on the keyboards, while the ship started to turn again and move around in the empty ocean of space.

"So, what was the answer?" Asked Sam after a while, still looking distant when looking at what was in front of the ship.

“Well, the response signs indicate that the planet is still in the same place, but nothing else has returned more than that, now, the station quadrant is empty… ”, Mink said worriedlyly.

"It can't be ..." said Sam.

"It can't be what ...", Mink interrupted as he looked through the main panel and saw far away a semi-destroyed ship, in the middle of space, surrounded by debris and pieces of the fuselage, a ship that appeared to be of the Elsmurx2000 model. “What these kind of ship are doing here, haven't they all been disabled for 15 years? And although the front and the bridge are destroyed, she looks well conserved. I will send a message saying that we have arrived.”

"My ancestors ..." said Sam, in a shaky voice.

"What was that captain?" Said Lativber as he entered the main cabin. “The weapons are ready ”

"I don't believe what I'm seeing," said Sam, with an expression of horror and amazement, getting up and going to the container for backup devices.

“What captain? You're making me worried, ”said Mink, watching the captain pulling devices, looking for something he didn't know what it was.

"D'armitfuk, how this is happening, look at this," said the captain, giving to the two crew members, a time recorder.

“Hey, this a time captain recorder, why he's saying he never saw…”, Lativber, the first to catch the time recorder froze, with its bionic protective shoulder pads standing up in a reaction to something unforeseen.

“What is it?” Asked Mink, taking the recorder and looking, “Fraction of time 03 of the 234 timeline of the Seventh Cycle of 2300-X? ”he said in surprise,“ But this record is showing a time 20 cycles ago! ”

"What's going on, Captain?" Asked Lativber worriedly.

“I'm not sure, we have to check it out, let's attach it on the upper left side rear of the Elsmur2200-LXXX on the same input line as that black ships are, now!!!”, said Sam, with an expression still of terror, but of anxiety too, pointing to a series of coupling inputs where 3 black ships of small size and strange shape were stationed, with various debris hitting them. "Take your weapons and wear classy armor 3Xphan. ”, added Sam, after typing a docking sequence in the engagement panel, and going towards the armory, being followed by the 2 tripulants.

“Armor against immaterials?”, said Lativber, surprised, as he opened 3 military assembly compartments. "Captain, what's going on?"

“Yes, captain, what's going on? I have a strange feeling since we left the jump, I need more data”, said Mink, choosing the weapons and putting on armor.

“Take anti-immaterial weapons too. And I'm really not sure, I have the feeling like I’ve been here, well, not here, but…”, said Sam looking at the ship destroyed while waiting for his armor to adapt to his body.

"Say captain, we trust you ..." said Lativber when he finished checking out his armament.

“Almost 30 years ago, the 234 timeline of the Seventh cycle of 2300-X, I still was a young apprentice administrator, and I was on a trip with my family and my fiancee's family, for the SucroHeptaone system. Her father was going to be a general administrator in one of the cities of Ablsom-CC, and I had got myself a position in one of the assignments, my parents and siblings accompanied me because they had also been promised a job…”, said Sam in an empty voice, but at the same time full of pain. “I had just come out of a cycle of hibernation, and was cleaning up my body, when the ship we were on was hit by something, I felt a jolt, and started to hear screams. I ran out through the corridors, towards the elite area, where my fiancee's family should be, I was disoriented".

“I know, I should have gone towards my family, but I was confused and could only manage to to think about seeing my fiancé, ”said Sam looking at the docking procedure panel, “I passed several people running while listening to the noise of metal tearing and depressurizing behind me when I entered one of the corridors from the elite area, full of people running and screaming, I was grabbed by a person, it was the secretary of my fiancee’s mother. She was wide-eyed and asked where I was going, I said I was going to find my fiancee, and she said it was too late, I was surprised and tried to free myself, that's when I heard more shouting nearby and I looked down the hall, I saw several people running first down the corridor towards us, and something was coming after them, a set, I don’t know how, but I knew it was a set of shapes in a dark void, laden with terror that engulfed the corridor and whoever was swallowed by that emptiness was shredded by the shapes, filling the visible part of the corridor with blood and viscera, with a soundtrack of screams and wet noises, and a deafening sensation. ”

There was a silence as the two crew members looked at each other and looked at the captain, and then the Mzarx500 jerked, with docking warnings sounding.

Sam looked at the door, looked at his crew,, and said:

“I was perplexed and I don't know how the secretary started to drag me and threw me in a round space that barely fit 3 people and started to move something outside”, said Sam looking at the door again, as if he were
looking back in time, “I didn’t understand what was happening, but I heard the
noise and sensation getting closer and closer, when I saw the body of the
secretary flying past views of the entrance to the space, the glimpse of her starry blue dress splashed with blood, and two doors in front of me started to close, and everything went dark, a few moments later I felt whatever was in that corridor arriving in front of the space where I was, a part, don’t ask me how, I know a part of those things continued killing down the corridor, because the screams continued, and there was a part trying to look at the space where I was, trying to open the door and not being able and the pressure was increasing, until the part that remained followed the others. ”

The docking system broke the rhythm of the story by asking if they wanted to continue the process, the captain looked at his time recorder, looked at us,, and continued.

“I don't know how long I was there, fractions of time, moments, I don’t know, everything was dark and I was trying understand what that space was, when I started to feel again the deafening sensation getting closer, until it stops in front of the space I was, and when looking into the darkness that seemed to have increased through the hatchs of the doors of the space where I was, I started to hear a noise, as if it were suction, but mixed with a noise of material being forced, as if the thing is trying to remove the door, and when I thought the first door was going to give way, I started to hear pulsars, and the thing, the being, or beings, who were in front of the space I was, the thing screamed, inside my head, and I lost the notion of where I was even more. "

"But then I realized that whatever was there, It had been destroyed, and a sort of beam of light spread in front of the hatch of the door, there is a person in a armor or something like that, I don't know I only saw what looked like a shoulder, he or they are messing with the outside panel, I tried to scream, but my conscience was still shaken, and then, out of nowhere a dim light lit up and I realized I was in a kind of capsule, it looked like a safety capsule, and I understood that the secretary intended to run away and would take me along with her. When the light came on, I tried to get up, but I couldn't, somehow belts got me and I realized that some protocol had been started, because a bar at the top, started blinking"

"My consciousness started to come back, but I felt again a feeling of pressure, stronger than before, coming from the opposite side of the controls. Whoever was fiddling with the controls, stepped back and started to shoot, bundles and bundles of some pulse, but the force was still coming, and the person started cursing, words I knew and others I didn't, and it seemed they spoke to me to get revenge, I didn't understand, and out of nowhere I realized that the capsule started to come loose, with bumps and I heard something again in my mind, just before darkness takes the corridor, with a pressure so strong, that my mind went numb again, but I realized that the capsule came loose and started to move at a gigantic speed… ”

"What happened next, captain?" Asked Mink, wide-eyed.

“I was found by a federative ship, I don't remember which system, I was a good time in medical care, and when I came back to me, I really managed a passage to the Sucro-Heptaone system and in the city of Ablsom-CC I entered in contact with acquaintances of my fiancee's parents, and an investigation began. Less than a cycle later, I was approached by researchers from a
space security section, who asked me a lot of questions, I said everything that I could and remembered, when they were leaving, I asked what they would do, and they said they would investigate what happened and take action, I asked
how could I work with them, they gave me the instructions, and I went through all the tests,get into the unity, and start fighting a lot of bad beings along then, with time, between several fights, we found out what those beings of the ship were called Tshalocth, a horror released in the exploration of a planet called Telkomatortw, a species so abominable that it had been sealed by ancient explorers, until it was released by greedy humans. I was one of the few healthy and sane survivors who had survived an encounter with them"

"I never heard of them," said Lativber in surprise.

“Yes, the unit I participated in was a secret unit, and over time, we managed to seal some of the Tshalocth, and eliminate what we believe to be the rest at the cost of many sacrifices, and we did that with the data of various tests and with improvements technologies built on the basis of these sacrifices and technology from other civilizations. After we exterminated them, I decided to leave the force and
work for me ”. Sam said automatically while putting undefined packages in one of the dimensional pockets of the armature.

“Wait boss, tell us more,” said Lativber, curious in a trembling voice.

Sam looked at the time recorder on the pulse and said:

“We don't have any more time,” said Sam, checking out his weapons, and opening the door.

"What is this? Captain, you are not saying that this ship has something to do with this species or ... no, it can't be ... it's practically impossible, never happened before, ”, said Mink wide-eyed as he put on one of the hands on the chest, a gesture characteristic of a deep process of thinking of a torak.

“It can't be what? Can anyone say something that makes sense? ”Said Lativber making a confused expression.

"We travel in time!?!?", Said Mink in a doubtful expression and tone. "I’m not sure, I needed to do more calculations, what do you think, captain? ”

"Time travel? Like this? Boss, don't you think we went back to that
day…” said Lativber in an incredulous expression.

“I don’t know, I don’t remember where I was, just the day the tragedy happened, but
I feel an overwhelming need to go in and see what is going on now ”said Sam as he stepped on the connecting aisle, and pressed the buttons for opening the watertight door. "And is captain, not boss ”

“But captain, isn't it dangerous? Those docked ships worry me. ” said Mink going

“Are you scared, is it a torak? Full of brains, no muscles,, and no heart”, said Latviber, in an attempt to make fun of Mink, but also to expel feelings negatives he was having.

"Fear? No, I just lack data”, said Mink, straightening up.

“You two, stop, I don't know what's going on, but I remember that this kind of ship had 2 security centers, one near the bridge and one in the part that is still intact, let's find a data totem and find out where it is. I want to catch the
data and get out of here, I have a strange feeling. Guns ready, arm your displays and sensors, keep quiet and let's go!!”, said Sam, adopting a command voice
"Yes, captain!" Said Latviber.

"I also have a strange feeling, but let’s go",, said Mink.

The trio left through the watertight door, entering a medium-sized compartment, with benches, boxes, dressers and nothing more, all immersed in a darkness unveiled only thanks to the most advanced display technology and

They kept walking until Mink visualized a totem pole and signaled for the other two.

Captain Sam walked over to the totem pole and connected a tablet to the totem.

“Okay, I got the data, I sent the map and the trail to you, keep on silence, apparently the ship is empty, but we don't know what is really happening, so be very careful ”, a message appeared on the display of the two others, who responded with a signal confirming receipt.

Soon after, Sam opened the connection compartment door, and they entered an even bigger compartment, also dark, with tables, totems, and several doors, some on an upper floor, with the displays of the helmets marking one of the upper doors and in the corner as being the right way.

The trio headed towards the doors, checking all directions, Lativber opened the door very carefully, and after seeing a small empty corridor with only some plant pots, displays on the walls,, and another door ahead, signaled that everything was ok, being followed by the other two. When Lativber opened the second door, it seemed that the silence had grown stronger and more heavy, the corridor they accessed is wide, but it was all full of blood, and bits and pieces of bodies of different species that had, in what remained, garments that indicated that they were mostly soldiers. It looked like a bunch of maniacs with saws and such had passed through there cutting everything in their way.
The trio, despite feeling bad, looked at each other and keeping in mind the military training that each one had, and the silence looked around and saw the marking of the path in one of the doors further down the hall.

Sam made a sign to proceed and they went by, tenser andtenrser, to the door, which was also painted with blood and other bodily fluids.

Mink accessed the panel, and after a few moments,, the door opened. The vision of security center was not much different from the corridor, bodies, blood, screens are broken, a mess. The trio came in, checking every corner. Lativber closed the door, while Mink and Sam each went towards the more intact panels and
plugged tablets into the panels.

"What happened here," said Lativber, breaking the silence.

"The captain said to be silent!!", whispered Mink, in a terrified voice.

“Okay, I believe that no one will hear us here if there’s anything in that ship”, said Sam. “I don't know yet, but the modus operandi looks a lot like that of Tshalocth, I hope they’re gone, and those ships are just the ones in here for some simple reason, like some of them didn’t survive the raid, after all,, they die in explosions, and considering the state of that ship, some explosions happened”.

"I hope they aren’t in herere too,, said Mink. "These beings look sinister".

“There, I downloaded it, let's see, hum… the last data are from some past temporal fractions, let's see the logs, hum… the last connection logs, let's start from there”, said Sam, looking at the information on one of the tablets and sending it to helmet display of the other two.

The scenes that unfolded, started calm, the system of the ship registering the connection ports, soon after, the doors opened and a kind of cloud of emptiness and darkness entered the compartment, and the same scene happenss practically like the same in another 10 compartments, meaning at least 10 ships. Right after that, in the footage, the doors to the lounge that the trio had passed previously opened up too,, and the hall was taken over by emptiness and darkness, yet, no other being appeared. Everything changed when the darkness parted and entered the other doors, including a considerable part entered the door that the trio had just come in, and what they saw on the helmets displays and tablets was a carnage, darkness, emptiness, flying bodies, lights and wall displays being broken, cameras shutting down, a bloody mess, one of the cameras from the center security registered the massacre that had taken place in that room, just before stop working.

The trio looked at each other, wide-eyed, and Lativber's bionic shoulder pads were fully operational in conjunction with the 3Xphan class armor.

“The visual record data is corrupted from that last shot, the murderers are the fuc… Tshalocth, their appearance or non-appearance is similar to what was recorded, they probably must have attacked the ship's system before and after getting in. Let me see if there is any sign of life on the ship, wait. Damn it!! What is going on here?”

"I don't know, boss, but let's go ..." said Lativber, being interrupted by a blow at the door of the room.

The trio quickly turned around in time to hear another knock and see the door beinging pulled out of place. Without thinking, they raised their weapons and started shooting.

As they fired, they felt suffocating pressure, and something, that appeared to be a pair of beings combined in emptiness and darkness, started to walk through the door, while the pulses of the weapons hit what looked like force fields.

"D'armitfuc", said Lativber, who was closest to the beings.

"My ancestors", said Mink, who was near Sam.

"Keep shooting", said Sam. "The shield is going to break soon!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, one of the beings separated and physically attacked Lativber.

The armor against immaterials withstood the impact, but the pulse weapon fell on the floor.

"Use the neutronic knife in the armor to fight this disgrace", said Sam, as he continued to shoot the other being who was going towards him and Mink.

Lativber immediately started the knife, and while the armor received several impacts, which gradually depleted the energy of fields and circuits, he began to retaliate, hitting whatever was in front of him. Each time he reached the
being, his brain was hit by several mental needles, as if that animal was screaming, a scream that went beyond even the mental protection of the helmet.

But Lativber felt that the attacks were subsiding, and he continued to resist, however before that, one of the attacks managed to get through the armor and hit his leg, as if it were a cold sword, Lativber, like a good warrior, contracted his leg and moved it, to disable whatever had entered his leg, and kept attacking. Shortly thereafter, the presence in front of him weakened and the the attacks stopped, when he regained focus, he saw a patch of emptiness and darkness kind of floating in the air in front of you, a kind of humanoid shape, with several arms or tentacles, motionless, and leaking darkness, if that made sense. Looking at the rest of the room, he realized that another shape was being pushed by the pulses of the guns shooted by Mink and Sam, against one of the walls. He picked up his gun and started to shoot too.

With the attack of the 3, the remaining creature did not last long, and was shattered against the wall, painting it a dark void in combination with the blood.

The trio soon looked at the entrance and when they saw that nothing else had entered, they breathed heavily.

Lativber, looked at his leg, where it had a kind of transparent blade, only noticeable by the contrast with the force fields of the armor. He accessed the system through the helmet and saw that although his leg was hit, the bone was still intact and there was no apparent poison circulating in his body, and reaching the conclusion that it was better to remove the blade, he did it and triggered the recovery system of the armor, starting to feel a little less painfulful

Mink approached Lativber and when he saw that apparently everything was fine, he looked for Sam.

Sam was looking at his helmet display as if he was checking more information.

"What do we do now, boss?", whispered Mink.

“Finally, the armor compiled all the information, there is still a focus of life on the ship””,said Sam in a low but heavy voice.

"Are you sure? I think we should leave, boss, what if there are more of those beasts?”, said Mink.

“Something about me says I have to check this out, but you can go…”, Sam was saying when he was interrupted by Lativber.

“Stop with this che… captain, if you are going to stay, I will too!! My leg is ok!”, said Lativber with a determined expression.

"I stay, too," said Mink.

“Ah, you insubordinate fellows! Okay, the sign of life is coming from a point ahead, not too far away, stay focused, and we'll see it soon, don't worry, the signal does not come from a Tshalocth, most common sensors cannot
get them right, just the visuals, and that’s not the case”, said Sam. "Alright, let's go, let us return to silence, follow me”

The trio went out the door after checking the corridor, Sam placed a mine in the corridor facing the door where they had first entered, to prevent them from being caught again, and then they went to the other door where they had not yet passed, following the sign shown on the helmets display.

The trio passed two more corridors, full of signs of carnage but empty.

And then they arrived at a door that the map on the displays indicated would give in a big hall.

Sam looked at both of them, took a deep breath, opened the door and saw a full-sized salon, with social appearance, that had several doors and the same scenario of the previous corridors, without light, a lot of blood and broken mobile and destroyed displays, a scene of destruction.

Even though the roof of the hall was tall, there were pieces of bodies of various species in the highest chandeliers and decorations. The three did a sweep and when they saw that the path was empty, they started to crossing the hall, when they arrived at the indicated door, they stopped, Sam activated the panel, but the door did not open.

The other two looked at him confused, and then they felt again the pressure of premonitory terror, the two immediately turned and started scanning the hall, finding nothing. Meanwhile,, Sam was watching the door.

“It’s not working, I’m going to have to cut it, give me cover,” whispered Sam, while removing a tool from one of the dimensional pockets of his armor.

Sam started to cut the door, while the feeling of pressure increased unti he heard a sigh coming from the two crewmen behind them, as he turned around, he saw two pairs of voids, two damn pair of Tshalocth’s coming towards them, each pair coming from a different spot in the hall.
The two crew members started shooting, when Sam made the move to raise his
gun, Mink said:

"Keep on captain, we hold them," said Mink as he pulled out a cationitric grenade and tossed it against one of the pairs, the grenade hit the field that involved the pair of voids and the field absorbed the explosion. "Damn, those damn things! They are difficult to kill”.

Lativber threw a grenade too, which had the same effect. Meanwhile,, Sam finished cutting the door, looked through the hole to see if he had any more enemies, but the corridor ahead was empty, but it had a similar scenario to the previous ones.

"Come on," he said.

"Boss, I can't do it," said Lativber. “I thought my leg was ok, but since these bastards appeared, it has stopped working and the pain is very big, you two go, I’ll hold them ”

“But how are you going to hold them back? If you two can't kill them, one you won't be able to either, ”said Sam.
“I’m staying with him, boss, I believe these are the last ones, if it''s not like that, it would have appeared more, go, we hold them, do what you have to do”, said Mink.

"Ah, you disobedient folks, why do you do that?" Said Sam indecisively, but something in his heart made him want to continue.

"Go chief, they are approaching, go and come back quickly," said Lativber, in a heavy voice.

Sam took a deep breath, looked at those two heroes, those two friends, wanted to talk something, but he didn't know what.

"Thank you," said Sam as he bent down and passed through the opening he had made.

Upon entering the corridor, and seeing that there was no one in front of him, Sam started walking when he felt a sense of dejafuk.

“I've been in this corridor before,” he thought, looking around. The feeling increased when he noticed that the corridor was quite wide, and had a series of doors narrow on one side. He started walking, and as he took a few steps, he started to feel the damn pressure and noticed that ahead there was a dark void where there should be a door, he also started to hear a noise as if that emptiness was trying to suck the door while hitting it.

That sight gave him a shiver that increased the feeling of dejafuk. Without thinking, he started shooting. Maybe because the damn Tshalocth was distracted by what he was doing, he didn’t have the force field activated, and he started to be pushed away while screaming in Sam's mind.

Sam also started to scream, even though no one heard him and walked while shooting, just before he reached the door that was being destroyed, the Tshalocth started to float, it was dead.

Sam took a deep breath and tried to speak to the two crew members who had stayed back, but he only heard the silence, not knowing if they were alive or not. He was confused not knowing what to do, forward, only darkness, backward too, undecided, he looked at the door that was being attacked.

The door was practically loose, and behind it was another. Sam felt a
combination sensation when trying to look through the display of the other door, but the display possessed a reflective capacity and he can’t see aanything.

Sam looked around, closed his eyes, and thought:

"What do I do now?", Sam looked at the panel next to the door, it was off, but there were traces of blood on it, as if it were a hand in it not a long time ago.

Sam connected the tablet he had used previously and when accessing the panel, he saw that an launch sequence had started, but it had not been completed, Sam not knowing what to do, decided that he would open the door and save the person who was there, however, he began to feel the wretched feeling of pressure again,
and worse, coming from both sides!!

Not knowing if the two friends had died, or if they were new beings, Sam began to reflect madly on everything that had happened in the past few hours, the sensations, the desires, and seeing that everything was lost, he made a decision!!

He could die, but it would be for nothing. He began to configure the tablet to continue the launch process, then took the packages he had kept in one of his dimensional pockets before leaving the ship, and combined them, connecting the set to ann entry into his armor. That done, he threw all the grenades he had to the side he had come from and started shooting in the opposite direction.

He felt that in the direction where he had come from, the pressure eased, but in the front, the pressure increased every time, and in a much worse way than previous sensations, it was a mixture of terror, agony, pain, something that made him want to give up, but deep in his heart, he knew that as long as he could, he should keep fighting, the launch sequence was not over yet, then he reinforced his will, calibrated the weapon for maximum power, and kept shooting.

The more he fired, the more the pressure got stronger until he started to hear a horrifying scream inside his mind, Sam started to get weaker and weaker and he beginss to retreat, it seems he had failed, the dark void was growing closer andclorser, almost reaching the door destroyed by the previous Tshalocth, the pressure was overwhelming, the scream in her mind was growing more destructive and powerful.

One knee failed, the gun gave a warning that the power was running out and when looking ahead he saw a gigantic Tshalocth, if not the biggest, its sure is one of the biggest that he had seen in his entire life, covering the entire corridor, and his hatred for these things increased, but he had no strength, so all it''s lost…

“Launch sequence complete, launch started”, a message appeared on the display of his helmet and looking at the tablet connected to the wall, he saw the same message, and despite all the pressure and noise in his head, he felt a jolt and something coming off the ship.

Sam smiled, looked at one of the first and one of the last miserable Tshalocth he had seen in his life, who was screaming angrily in his mind and fell victorioous. Then he looked at the D16 explosive that was attached to his armor in combination with the armor energy cells made from nuclear plasma, a combination capable of divide a moon or a small planet and shout with all his might:

"Goodbye, you bastard, nobody will hear ever hear you scream in space again".

Well, and this is my entry to the challenge, I almost write a book but it is what I can do in the moment.

I will make a post in Portuguese too later because it was fun to write that and I desire that more people can have access to this work.

If you liked this post, give it an upvote, make a comment, share! If you have any criticisms or positive suggestions, comment too!!

Si te gustó esta publicación, dale un voto positivo, haz un comentario, ¡comparte! Si tienes alguna crítica o sugerencia positiva, ¡comenta también!!

Se você gostou desse post, dê um upvote, faça um comentário, compartilhe! Se tiver alguma crítica ou sugestão positiva, comente também!!

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You have been chosen to enter the "Just Write" contest (more about the contest here). Results will be announced on Monday, May 17, 2021.

Contest Just Write.png

Best of luck in the contest and keep writing like this!


has sido elegido(a) para entrar en el concurso "Solo escribe" (más datos sobre el concurso aquí). Los resultados se darán el lunes 17 de Mayo del 2021.

Concurso Solo Escribe.png

Mucha suerte en el concurso y continua escribiendo de esta manera!


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wow buddy if that was extensive, and I think I had to refill my drink 2 times, congrats on all the details of the story.

Without a doubt it is a great entrance, the only thing that may be overshadowing is asking for a vote, when something is good the votes come alone, in case you have mine, just keep that in mind!

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Thanks for your reply, in the others new posts, I will consider your advice, and thanks for sharing.

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Wow, you really succeeded in creating suspense when the captain relayed his story to his men and during the shootout. I quite enjoyed it 👍

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I'm glad that you liked it! Thanks for your commentary!!
