Ankh - The Cross of Life - The Key of Life - my artwork through digital drawing ...



The Ankh Cross ... is one of the most recognizable symbols from the ancient Egypt, known as "The Key of Life" or the "Cross of Life" ...

This magic Cross is dating from the Early Dynastic period c. 3150 - 2613 BCE ... Most of the time this cross with a loop at the top has some ornaments with symbols or decorative flourishes but in my sketch #artwork i've kept it simple, as ait was in the beginnings of time ... a plain gold cross ...

Maybe this cross is the ancestral cross from which all these modern concepts came inside our new modern matrix ...

I've thought that after i would create such an awesome magic cross, a short introduction and maybe some informative things related to it would be welcomed for our own knowledge ...

The spiritual concept of the Ankh Cross was very deeply rooted inside the egyptian philosophy, as they believed that every soul's earthly journey was only part of an eternal life, therefore, the ankh symbolizing, both, the mortal existence and the afterlife ...

Being one of the most ancient symbols of Egypt, it was often seen with the so called, djed and was symbols, carried by a multitude of the egyptian gods in their tomb paintings and inscriptions and worn by almost every egyptian as an amulet ... For those who would ask what a djed means ... the term djed represented the spiritual pillar-like symbol, which in egyptian hieroglyphs represents stability.

I know, i am a humble musician who tries new crafts through art, and, i've thought that this creation, in times like we live in, the magic Ankh Cross will guide everyone through its own spiritual journey ...

May the Force be with us ...

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