Business isn't everything/ Your degree first

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Hello everyone, it's Lenny, and today I'm going to talk about how a degree may change your life and that business isn't everything you need in life. So without further ado, let's get started.

The importance of business and degree

Having a successful business at a young age is no doubt a great achievement, and as long as you can keep it successful and going overtime, it will be your biggest achievement in life and something to be proud of. But that's not everything, as many people skipped school or college to have all their time in business, they might have made it very successful. Still, on the other hand, they lost a lot in life since your degree shouldn't be delayed for too long. Some may consider this a sacrifice, but this kind of sacrifice is hard to make, and I will explain why.

University times

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Somethings can't be missed, the years of universities are ones among the best in anyone's life, you will meet new friends and have the energy, since you would be young, to study, do your own research and reach a high level of education since you still have time to do that.

Getting to meet new people almost daily is a great way to develop your personality over time, also a way to share much information that you and those people you meet acquired over time in university studying.

The energy

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As the years passes, and we get older, we will probably start looking at all the ways that can provide stability to our lives, fewer risks and changes will be made in life as someone gets older, and that's because they consumed a lot of energy in their youth, or they have gone through a lot. They need some peace at last so they can have a stable life, that will make people with older age and who skipped studying for years to never go back for studying since they had already consumed their energy in other life aspects and will tend to keep on working on their business and miss on the huge amount of information that they could have acquired when they were young.

Life circumstances

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Adults, no doubt, have tougher life full of responsibilities when they are compared to young people who may only have few responsibilities to take care of, at least for most young people, so for adults, it will be hard to invest a lot of time studying and taking classes while they have to think a lot about other responsibilities especially if they had family and kids to take care of.

In conclusion

Both your degree and business are important, but each becomes more important at particular years in life. If someone managed their life well, they could be successful of both of them without having to go through a lot of trouble in their life, so if you are young, I suggest you better focus on your degree and get the information you can get. If you are an adult, then your business is your priority, so keep it successful.

Thanks for reading, until next time!


Years to years, I lost many friends from university because they choose their own paths in life. What we get from university are very important, but its not for everything. But I always remember, learning from mistakes is the best teacher. You have great article that reminds me of something important, thanks.

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