RE: We should stop autoupvoting in POB !

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Automatic votes often overshadow new users on the platform. It is important that you give new users the opportunity to be rewarded for their hard work and time spent creating your content. This preference is often observed, and for those of us who are new to this subject of automatic voting, we may ignore its importance. However, it is understood that investors and big brains often don't have time to vote manually. But I think if you really want to make a big change, you can spend some real time admiring and selecting posts that deserve the vote of the great brains.

could try the option of:

  • select a qualified human group within @proofofbrain to make daily or weekly recommendations for posts that are undervalued and that can be considered for a supporting and incentive vote. in this way, the curator will have the freedom to vote in favor if they so decide.

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Completely agree. People may always find time to curate a bit if they really want that. At least giving 100% upvotes 12 times a day and 12 times at night. That way more quality posts will be rewarded and more abuse in case it exist will be found.

I think you should also join discord server to seggest your idea to the main accout of the tribe and to the team and other members active there.
