What is your creative process for writing posts?



It comes from my brain, of course>. <

Joke! Although it is not a joke if you are going to analyze. But anyway, this is a type of topic that I love to write, maybe I have an ease in finding ideas and putting up a post referring to POB. I also believe in the fact that I like to think and analyze things around me a lot and day by day. Make reflections, try to find a logic for everything and an answer (in fact, I intend to bring a post about it). All of this with the fact that in my last 8 years I started to read and study more things focused on personal and professional growth that is directly linked to the way of thinking, acting.

I have always wanted to express myself and want to give my vision and opinion to my world. Like a philosopher haha. That with time and practice, it became more common for me to write. Although that does not mean that my texts and views are right. It will never be. There is no right and wrong as I mentioned in my post. They are just my visions and my way of looking at things with a mind that tries at all times to create logic and understand the pattern of why things are.

So it just happens. Just as it was to finish writing this post to participate in the raffle of delegation of 100 POB promoted by @vempromundo that you can see here.



Vem do meu cérebro, é claro >.<

Brincadeira! Apesar de não ser uma brincadeira se for analisar. Mas enfim, esse é um tipo de tema que eu adoro escrever, talvez eu tenha uma facilidade em encontrar ideias e montar post referente a POB. Acredito também pelo fato de eu gostar de pensar e analisar muito as coisas ao meu redor e dia a dia. Fazer reflexões, tentar encontrar uma lógica para tudo e uma resposta (aliás, pretendo trazer um post a respeito disso). Tudo isso ainda com o fato que nos meus últimos 8 anos comecei a ler e estudar mais coisas voltadas a crescimento pessoal e profissional que está diretamente ligado a maneira de pensar, agirmos.

Sempre tive a vontade desde pequeno de me expressar e querer dar a minha visão e opinião ao meu mundo. Como um filósofo haha. Isso com o tempo e pratica, foi tornando mais comum eu escrever. Embora isso não quer dizer que meu textos e visões estejam certas. Nunca será. Não existe o certo e o errado conforme eu comentei em um post meu. São apenas minhas visões e a maneira minha de ver as coisas com uma mente que tenta ao todo momento criar uma lógica e entender o padrão do porquê das coisas.

Então, simplesmente acontece. Assim como foi acabar de escrever esse post para participar do sorteio de delegação de 100 POB promovido pelo @ vempromundo que você pode ver aqui.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Sempre tive a vontade desde pequeno de me expressar e querer dar a minha visão e opinião ao meu mundo. Como um filósofo haha.

Sou eu todo, haha! Meus pais ficaram malucos na minha época dos "por quês" (quando eu era criança, haha!) porque eu queria saber sobre tudo.



E eu ainda continuo nessa, mas comigo mesmo. Tentando descobrir os porques da vida haha


Ah, mas isso eu também ainda faço. Só não mais aquele pivete catarrento que abusava todo mundo perguntando as coisas, haha!


Rapeize, muito interessante esse processo natural de criar posts! Gostei do fato que você alia a vontade de escrever com a atenção as coisas e filosofias ao seu redor.

Tudo isso ainda com o fato que nos meus últimos 8 anos comecei a ler e estudar mais coisas voltadas a crescimento pessoal e profissional que está diretamente ligado a maneira de pensar, agirmos.

Já percebi que muito de seus posts são voltados a temas como esse, e sempre me interessa muito lê-los. Continue compartilhando que é puro sucesso!
E vamo que vamo!

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Hahaha Realmente

Muito conteúdo de aprendizados que eu tive me moldaram muitos pensamentos que eu tenho hoje



They are just my visions and my way of looking at things with a mind that tries at all times to create logic and understand the pattern of why things are.

A very healthy way of approaching things that come your way. It's easy to assume and act on emotion, but it takes time, practice, and patience to assess situations and see them for what they really are.

I've been enjoying your posts lately @hranhuk, you write what's on your mind and it reads well.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Thank you very much!

It makes me happy to continue writing and following that line.

It really takes time, but I've been writing for many years. Unfortunately before, I didn't get anything for that haha


That's great to know, especially since we get to read your posts regularly here in POB, and now you're getting healthy earnings from it.

I think I'm starting to get a sense of who has been writing for longer periods of time. There is a certain flow to the texts which makes it much easier to read and gives a feel for the writer.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Yea! In a way it is true.

POB fits my style a lot. I just need to organize my time better here.

Speaking of writing, I still intend to finish a book of mine that I started at the time of steemit. Hive has been encouraging me to continue it and break up.

Unfortunately my English is not strong enough to write and I will not be able to translate to post some chapters here ... Since I use the google translator to communicate with you. But, for a story, book and lines, it will not "fit". As you can see in some of my comments here, maybe hahaha


I can understand what you mean about sharing parts of your book, and I also think that maybe it's better if you didn't anyway due to copyright and whatnot.

Feel free to send me messages in your own language whenever you want, I don't mind translating using Google and replying in English. Best of luck with finishing the book and great to hear that POB is a good fit for you.

Posted via proofofbrain.io



I'm going to add in the dedication the blockchain that encouraged me haha
