Do not be scared to share your thoughts and opinions


Voice out, be bold, that idea of yours might be the one to save the day so get up today and let your feelings and intentions be known.

Do not also be discouraged by the response or reactions you get because I know what it feels to be turned down when it comes to letting your intentions known.
There's one thing I know for sure that everyone has a Unique Thing in them either small or big there's something in there it just depends on the individual to truly discover the hidden things in them.

Don't be scared to show your talents too, I know there are thousands of people out there with great talents and skills but they're waiting for the right time to come before displaying the great talents in them but dear the truth is There's no perfect time for anyone and the more you wait the more time passes by and "TIME THEY SAY WAITS FOR NO ONE".

I myself once battled with Self Esteem to the point it affected me in almost every aspect of my life because I was very shy and I had a low self esteem that I was scared of being noticed in public.

When I discovered I could sing well, I try to sing anywhere I find convenient and comfortable but anytime i sang in from of my Dad he always told me to focus more on other things and not music.

This really affected me because I believed no one ever wants to hear me sing which really made my Esteem even more low and made me fear rejection more.

I've missed a lot of music competitions and auditions due to these facts I've stated above and I don't want anyone to fall for this kind of mistake again that's why I'm here talking about it.
It took a long process to really fight this "Low Self Esteem" of a thing and to really work on myself to be more free when showcasing my Talent and Skills.

It took me months of continuous practice where i started going for Choir Practice because i wanted a place where i could really express my feelings through my voice without any discrimination whatsoever and the plan really worked and till date i still sing in the Choir.

If you're out there and you have something to share to the world do it as fast as possible because if you keep getting scared of rejection there's no day you won't get rejected, so as to avoid this remove the fear from within you and replace it with boldness and work on your self more.

As i have said earlier don't be bothered about the reactions or response you get when you pitch your ideas.


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