[ENG-ESP] Word of the Week : "Power" // Palabra de la semana: "Poder"



Hello and welcome to my page. I am @daniky and this is my entry to the word of the week's contest, an initiative of @calumam. Kindly follow me as i share with you, my thought on the word, "Power."



From my knowledge of science, Power is defined as the amount of energy used, converted or transferred per unit time, while from government and political science, Power is defined as the ability to influence people's behavior with or without resistance. Wherever there is power, there's authority and ability to tackle difficult challenges that can be treated within the confinement of one's ability, provided the degree of efficiency of the power inherent in such individual exceeds that of such situation.

Power is diverse (be it physical or spiritual) and comes with Authority, it conquers fear and defeat. Power is what makes the rule of law more effective and efficient, and without it, an organization, community, state, country, continent and the world at large will be made desolate.

Power is what keeps us alive, our immune system is powerful enough to produce antibodies capable of engulfing and destroying foreign substances (antigens) like unwanted germs and bacteria through serological process. We regain our health back on track because our antibodies are powerful enough to fight against and those sicknesses we do experience at intervals. What would have Life been without Power?

A man is regarded as the head of his family by virtue of the power and wisdom bestowed on him. A man of power is a man of honour and influence. Power announces you and make you famous.

Power boosts your self-esteem and #proofofbrain, making you more socially and mentally fit. Emotions, love, imaginations, mindsets, wisdom, strength, determinations and diligence are said to be powerful. Power brings into execution, plans and contracts regardless of how gigantic they are. It's action based and drastic.

Power maybe favorable when it comes to you or biased when it's not in your favour. Power can be over_utilized or underutilized depending on such strength of utility. Nations and kingdoms bow to those regarded to be more powerful and influencial individuals on earth and despite these, no power is given to any human on earth by his/her wisdom except from his/her creator above.

Power indeed, is productive provided it goes in line with wisdom. Power is wealth and strength for those who possesses it. It makes you relevant even on the blockchain. Those with substantial #pobpower or #hivepower possess the ability to decide how they want to reward others and be rewarded in return, their presence on the blockchain is more like a voice being heard and appreciated die to their influence.

No matter what we do in life, no matter your position, never ignore the place of power and give honor to whomever it's deserved for honor to come back to you in return. Work hard towards accomplishing your set goals in life and watch your strength and influence emerge naturally to its full capacity.

I wish to use this medium to appreciate @calumam for hosting this initiative and wish to call on interested hiveans to be part of this wonderful contest. Here is the link to participate. Thank you

Thank you for your time and don't forget to engage and follow my page @daniky for more updates.



Palabra de la semana: "Poder"

Hola y bienvenido a mi página. Soy @daniky y esta es mi entrada al concurso de la palabra de la semana, una iniciativa de @calumam. Por favor, continúe conmigo mientras comparto con ustedes mi pensamiento sobre la palabra "Poder".



Según mi conocimiento de la ciencia, el poder se define como la cantidad de energía utilizada, convertida o transferida por unidad de tiempo. Según mi conocimiento del gobierno y las ciencias políticas, el poder se define como la capacidad de influir en el comportamiento de las personas con o sin resistencia. Donde hay poder, hay autoridad y capacidad para abordar situaciones difíciles que pueden tratarse dentro del confinamiento de la propia capacidad, siempre que el grado de eficiencia del poder inherente a ese individuo supere al de una situación tan difícil.

El poder es diverso (ya sea físico o espiritual) y viene con Autoridad, conquista el miedo y la derrota. El poder es lo que hace que el estado de derecho sea más efectivo y eficiente, y sin él, una organización, comunidad, estado, país, continente y el mundo en general quedarán desolados.

El poder es lo que nos mantiene vivos, nuestro sistema inmunológico es lo suficientemente poderoso como para producir anticuerpos capaces de envolver y destruir sustancias extrañas (antígenos) como gérmenes y bacterias no deseados a través de procesos serológicos. Recuperamos nuestra salud porque nuestros anticuerpos son lo suficientemente poderosos como para destruir esas enfermedades que experimentamos a intervalos. ¿Qué hubiera sido la vida sin poder?

Un hombre es considerado el cabeza de familia en virtud del poder y la sabiduría que se le han otorgado. Un hombre de poder es un hombre de honor. El poder te anuncia y te hace famoso.

El poder aumenta tu autoestima y #proofofbrain, haciéndote más apto social y mentalmente. Se dice que las emociones, el amor, la imaginación, la mentalidad, la sabiduría, la fuerza, la determinación y la diligencia son poderosas. El poder aporta a la ejecución de planes y contratos, se basa en acciones y es drástico.

El poder puede ser favorable cuando se trata de ti o sesgado cuando no está a tu favor. La energía puede ser sobreutilizada o subutilizada dependiendo de la fuerza de su utilidad. Las naciones y los reinos se inclinan ante los individuos más poderosos de la tierra y, a pesar de ellos, su sabiduría no otorga poder a ningún ser humano en la tierra, excepto de su creador.

El poder, de hecho, es productivo siempre que vaya en consonancia con la sabiduría. El poder es riqueza y fuerza para quien lo posee. Te hace relevante incluso en la cadena de bloques. Aquellos con un #pobpower sustancial poseen la capacidad de decidir cómo quieren recompensar a los demás y ser recompensados ​​también, su presencia en la cadena de bloques es más como una voz que se escucha.

No importa lo que hagamos en la vida, no importa su posición, nunca ignore el lugar de poder y dé honor a quien se merece para que el honor vuelva a usted a cambio. Trabaje duro para lograr sus metas en la vida y observe cómo su fuerza e influencia emergen naturalmente a su máxima capacidad.

Deseo utilizar este medio para agradecer a @calumam por albergar esta iniciativa y deseo invitar a los colmenos interesados ​​a ser parte de este maravilloso concurso. Aquí está el enlace para participar. Gracias

Gracias por su tiempo y no se olviden de participar y seguir mi página @daniky paqra obtener más actualizaciones.


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Welcome to this week's WOTW contest, bro.
I love the advice you closed with about never ignoring the place of power and giving honour to whom honour is due 👍

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Yes. Power must be tempered otherwise it runs wild resulting in chaos and anarchy. But without power, society would be without order.

Enjoyable read. Good Luck in the contest.

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And he went around citing inference where power is used, and I must say I am pleased

The head of the family executes power, the government does that too, our bodies, our metabolism, our proofofbrain, etc shows power in various ways

And we need power in all of these cited positions for a stable life. We should not ignore the place of power, and we need to give honor to those who are in power.

Great point outlined here darling

I wish you luck in the contest

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Amen. Thank you for the wonderful comment dear. This shows you really read through the post thoroughly. Power is a necessity for us and should be utilized with proper consciousness.

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I have exactly the same thoughts. Power is like a blessing in disguise. You can use it to do wonders and you can use it to destroy wonders.

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Nice little read on the different definitions of power. I liked your reference to our own internal biologic systems which have the power to tackle foreign threats.

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Thank you @calumam. This shows that every aspects of our daily life and activities requires the use of power. It's good to have you here.

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Power indeed, is productive provided it goes in line with wisdom.

You make a good point, daniky. It's like that line from Spiderman - 'With great power comes great responsibility'. Enjoyable read and all the best in this week's competition.

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