They say a problem shared is a problem solved, is that still the case?


Back in the days, our fathers find comfort in sharing their problems with their trusted friends, or trusted family members. These is the major reason why they say that together will stand while divide will fall.

While going through some ups and downs in life, they believe that sharing with trusted friends will help free up your mind at least by 30%, having someone to talk to makes you feel someone else is there to help you solve the problems which is true most in most cases.

Who knows if the situation you are passing through has been passed through by that person, or by someone that is known by the same person. He or she might actually be in the position to solve your problems. Back then, the more people who knows about your problems, the more likely that you get a solution to the problems.


These days everyone gets so cautious of who's ears their problems/secrets falls into. Who knows who actually wishes one well, who knows who is envious of one's position, who knows who will feel happier to know that you're passing through ups and downs.

Most people will patiently listen to your problems and wait till you have quarrels with them, then they let the cat out of the bag for the world to see, some people will tell their close friends your secrets while they keep theirs, those friends will keep carrying the information around till everybody knows what you're going through. Most times, these people would not find a solution to the problem, they may end up making it worse, they will also abuse you with it.

These has made it so difficult to tell people what the problem is no matter how close they are, close friends and relatives are not left behind in the world of hatred.

Secrets are best secrets when only you knows about them, once another person is informed, then everyone knows.

Although, most times speaking up is the best option even if it will cost everyone knowing about the problem. In these conditions, it is Important to know who to talk to.


It is most important to know that the creator of a gadget knows more about it than any other person. For example, When your Tesla car is at fault, and you have Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk as friends, you do you contact for a better solution?.

We all know the answer to that, so is our creator to us. Matthew 11: 28. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The same way Elon Musk will not come and dismantle your car for repair, but will send someone from the technical department to assist you, or might even give you guidelines to solve what the issue is, The same way God will not appear physically to solve your problems, but will send someone your way to solve your problems, he might as well give you divine guidance to locate your way out of the deep parts.

The good news is that when God sends man your way, the person God has sent might not even know you're faced with the particular problem, he might even solve it without knowing he has done a major thing in your life. Just like Joseph in the Bible, his brothers didn't know that what they did was to actually put Joseph in line with the dream of becoming a king he had told them about when they sold him. God does his things miraculously.

If at all, you will tell someone about your problems, is it important to ask yourself these questions.

  1. Does this person truly care?

  2. Will he/she be willing to share the burden as if it were theirs?

  3. Is he or she the consoling type, or the accusing type?

  4. Is he or she capable of solving the problems?.

If the answers to all these questions are yes, then give it a try. A problem shared is a problem solved but the important thing is knowing who to share the problem with

I hope I am able to pass an atom of information at least. If there is an addition or subtraction, please drop it at the comment section, Thank you.

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In today's world people want to know about your problems not because they was to share and make you feel better but to make use of these problems to exploit you.
You may trust today and share something but the same person will not hesitate using this against you in the future, well in most of the cases.

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They might appear like they care when you are around, but they will laugh at you when you are not there.

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Life relating write up, sadly our world have been more of watching you struggle than offering help.

We sure do need to be careful who we share our problems with.

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It's so sad to say, but we live in a world where twin brothers stabs themselves at the back because of jealous, and competitions.

Someone you're feeding might want to take the position from you.

It's important for everyone to watch their 6 in life

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A problem shared with the right person is a problem solved,a problem shared with the wrong person is an increase in problem....nothing bad in sharing problems,but the question is who are we sharing it with??are we sharing it with the right people??

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Exactly, the wrong people will only use one's problems as an entertainment to themselves, as a source of laughter.

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Yes that a true fact bro @corporateay. A problem shared is half solved but the fact nowadays is who can one confide in, if not God alone? Nowadays, it's extremely difficult to find someone you can trust with your personal issues because the issue you share might be what the person will use as an advise to another, but the issue is, won't such "a person" make reference to you when addressing this similar situation? Once the hearer knows you as the bearer, you never can tell to what extent your name could travel.

Lesson: Filter what you tell a friend and it's more better to confide on an older, more mature and reserved friend than disclose your issue to someone that will look for a means to make mockery of you at the long run when things goes unfavourable.

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Nowadays reverse is the case, people tend to make fun out of everything, instead of finding solution to the needed person and that's why we have few people with no ot little problem they are facing.
The best is to find solution within your self, snap out of the problem and most importantly table everything before God

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