How The Law of the Mirror Helps Improve Your Life



Have you ever heard of the law of mirrors? Maybe you have heard what I am about to discuss and you call it by a different name.

The mirror law I mean here is about the reciprocity of life. What we will get later is the investment result from our actions so far. What is projected in the future is the result of our behavior in the present.

Just like looking at a mirror, what we see is who we are. So are the things we receive in life. Without realizing it, we are investing in our behavior for the reciprocity that we will receive later.


Work Hard for Ourselves

The law of the mirror will make us focus more on working hard to improve ourselves. We no longer think about what other people say about us.

We will work hard to get what we want.

If we are always aware that this mirror law applies in our lives, then we will not give up easily. We believe the results will never betray our efforts.

What we work for, that's what we'll get in the end. It won't go off one bit. :)

A Broad and Wise Heart

Your life will be of higher quality if you are aware of the law of mirrors. Your heart will be broad even though one day your social position has reached the highest point. You will remain socially wise.

People who always apply the law of mirror in their lives will always respect others. Because before we can be respected by others, we also have to respect others.


Not Easily Angry at Life

We are often faced with disappointments. The good things we often do are even paid for by the crimes of others. Quiet. The good things you do will never be wasted. One day it will come back to you with a different and more form and thing than you did before. That's how the universe works.

Likewise with crime, maybe it will not turn around quickly to the culprit. But surely it will come back someday with a different form from the crimes committed before. Because life is about the law of mirrors, the law of reciprocity. No one can escape from that law. It is natural even if you don't believe it at all :)

Those who believe in the law of the mirror will not be easily angry with life. They will be sad, but not angry at life. They took lessons from it and moved on. They don't want to tarnish their future by being trapped in the dark of anger.

Because in the end they are fully aware that what we do best, will bring us to the best possible future, which we strive for. And there will be no regrets for those who are patient in struggling and going through pain. :)



Great post and great photos!

I was (and probably I am) the person who doesn't look myself in the mirror, and I think literally... lol... But, I have to admit that sometimes, I don't look either in the way that you have described... I'm trying to, but probably don't succeed always...

And yes, it's all about reciprocity... How you treat others, they will treat you... Simple as that! If you feel that you aren't respected, maybe you don't respect others enough?

Thanks again! I enjoyed reading your post!


Sometimes we often don't realize that we've made mistakes against other people, until one day we are hurt with the same thing :)

Seeing ourselves is actually more difficult because we are used to seeing the faults of other people rather than within ourselves. It takes a long practice to apply the law of mirrors.

Nice to know you here. Have a great day. :)


I really like the Law of Mirrors philosophy. It is so true. What you put out into the Universe always comes back to you in ten fold. As you said, it may not return immediately or even in the same form, but it will return. It's like a boomerang in a way.

I always believed our inner reality creates our outer reality....and this is definitely an extension of that. It keeps us mindful of our actions as we keep working on ourselves to be the best we can be. :)

Thank you for sharing this & keep up the great content. I look forward to reading more in the future! Have a wonderful weekend! 🧡


The world is what we think and what we react about :)

Nice to know you and I like your content too.

Have a great weekend.
