Dcity Update - Hive Signs for Popularity

Hey folks..πŸ˜‰ Graham here.....

So today I bought 1 x weed dispensary for 1064 sim as usual lol...but then I started thinking about popularity again and how important it is for your population and for the daily hive payouts you can receive if your city is big enough.

You currently need at least 2300 population to rank at the bottom though.!!

I had a look at the cards available again and there are only a couple that give you more popularity than the 10 you get from the weed dispensary card but they are more expensive. Theses are the airport for 12 popularity and the hospital for 14.



I then noticed the Hive signs which grant 20 popularity for almost half the price of a weed dispensary!!


So i bought 2 x Hive Signs for 665 sim each. I bought these as they seem the best way to increase my popularity level without spending much. Usually I would have just bought a weed dispensary but buying 2 of these doesn't cost much more while giving the same 10 income but granting you 4 times as much popularity !

I will probably keep buying these to get my popularity bonus up to 100%.. Shouldn't take that link really it's already at 86% from 580 popularity.


Peace, G.

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