Talk It Out Thursdays : Respect Your Colleagues Please

Hello There

Welcome to my first Talk-It-Out Thursdays... Honestly I am having difficulty to pick the message I want to put here... Well precisely it is not about the topic or the message, but how I should deliver them properly so you guys who read my post get it... so... I decide to pick another message....

Some People Don't Give A Shit About Your Career

This is it right? nope... That line is for my friend, ex colleague, who just left my team months ago. He submitted a letter of resignation, saying he got a great shot of a great opportunity, massive leap in his career and big money...

For some seconds I was happy, then I got big disappointment He said he would leave immediately and then just pufff.... He's gone... no hand over, no any form of prior notice... just gone...

It would be easy for me to say that this is typical Gen-Z stereotype of leaving the work they hate. but wait... I won't continue this part because it won't be fair for the most. I know some young people who work with great professionalism so I will try to respect them by not looking down their generation.

So there are two reasons why I have got some thought one day I would make a post about this, and eventually that day is today.

The First reason is that several days later I get some information from his new office... This is what some kiddo forget or not think much about, between employers, regardless they know each other or they are competitors, in term of references, we share some information about. For some recruiters and human resource staffs or managers, this conduct is common, not something new, fishy or bad thing. I have got information that the offer has been sent weeks before he left... So I have got a thought that this dude is completely unprofessional.

The second reason is that his absence has given us bad impact. It is not that he is so great than his existence is greatly needed, but when people just left without handovering their works, the others have to do from scratch again and this is stupid and nuisance. Weeks ago due to this, I had to work from dawn to dawn... sleeping while sitting with my laptop as my pillow. I might work for 120+ hours a week for weeks, and you might think this is exaggerating but I did sleep less than 4 hours a week. All of us in the team had to endure this to cover his work from scratch.

So the message is not about some people who are bad and don't care about your successful career, but your bad attitude make people think and see you as bad person and they don't care about you.


Initially I wanted to set this post topic as a professionalism. When we get pay, we need to get our job done. Whether it is partial or until the job done, so when we are going out, we should let our employer know this so they can make preparation and arrangement for your exit. And Actually this is part of our responsibility too, making sure our job delivered or can be continued by our replacement.

However there was a situation that changed my thought. Days ago, while we were working at night, I found one of the team was crying. He said he was confused and frustrated because he was a newly weds and his wife for the first time was bedridden and he even could not be with her that time. He was very dedicated with our project because he said that's a real job he had after covid-19 pandemic and he committed to go all out making sure the project succeed.

So I decide to send him home at 22:00 PM and forced him to take 2 days leaves. That's another reason why I did not sleep well and did not make any posts although you still could see me sometime making "count me in" comments on some giveaways

However I saw something that what most young people forget to see, and thats my main message in this post

Respect Your Colleagues

When you are working, it is not only something between you and your employers. It is about all the stakeholders there, from your employers, your superiors, your colleagues, your "underlings" and even some people that you have not seen or interact to. If you are gone without any notice, it means you do not respect them. Even you might not think that way, they will think that way.

You see, we all live 24 hours a day, and most of our time are spent either with family at home or with our colleagues. Leaving the job without notice definitely will strain relationship with them. Trust me, you don't want to end up with 10-20 years working experience and your friends are still people you know from your school days or university.

The other thing you need to consider is about ethical issue. If you keep doing this, people will label you as self centered person. Even you make new friends at work, they might just do basics... Because sometime when we have bad ethical reputation, we do not know that but that's what other know and talk behind our back.

So please for you who are still new in professional working environment, do not leave your job without notice... that's not only about:

  1. losing your references
  2. losing future networking opportunitites
  3. Tainting your reputation
  4. or it is not about you are getting legal issue that you feel safe that no obligations that will put on you if you just leave right away...

But please see this as a way to respect your colleagues, superior and everyone else... Working is not all about employment benefit... getting paid good and good rise every year... Because I believe one day you will want to see that your friends , your family and your supporters are who you have worked together with for the time you have spent building your career.

That's all today and thank you for reading my post

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