Locking Up Splinterlands Assets


I was scrolling around Praetoria and noticed one of the features we currently have with ownership of a deed is that we are able to lock it for as much as 30 days. This feature is useful for those who wish to protect their assets if ever they have their account hacked. It is not full proof but a form time delay on to hackers part to not allow them to automatically transfer or sell any hacked asset until the time of unlock has expired. Let us discuss how this all works.

Locking Up Assets

Over on peakmonsters.com the "bulk" view of your cards allow you to see which ones are locked very quickly. This is a manual option that you need to implement in order to have the cards locked. How does it work?

You select the card of choice and can do multiple card selections in peakmonster. Then select "others" to find "lock".
A new window will pop up showing 1 to 30 days for locking up a card/s. Current example above I have the card already locked so example is showing how to unlock.

By default peakmonsters selects 5 days and once you confirm the lockup period the asset will no be able to sold or transferred. The card is still in your possession and you have access to play it or rent it out. In order to unlock you have to go through the same steps and comfirm the unlock. What will then happen is you need to wait 5 days before you have ability to sell or transfer the card. That 5 days you originally selected is the cooldown time it takes to unlock the card/s.

The whole lock up mechanism works on land plots too now. This is a great feature in that it helps owners of assets have a safety mechanism to protect their assets if they every have their accounts hacked. It is not full proof in that the cool down will expire if the hacked account is not restored in time. However one would hope the rightful owner of the account will be aware of the hack before the cool down expires. This is also why Splinterlands added the option to have up to 30 days cool down period if preferred.

Protecting your hard earned assets if the digital ones is essential. When I first started out in Steemit and the game was called Steemmonsters I had encountered stories of fellow gamers who indeed had their accounts stolen and game assets sold off and lost everything. I think personally it was through those experiences that Splinterlands incorporated the lock up assets function which as of now have been working well.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



Thanks for sharing this, I was not aware of this feature.


Any time. Go Splinterlands !PIZZA


There should be some other benefits for this feature, and no doubt security of your asset is necessary.


I keep forgetting to do this because it times out all the time. I wonder if they can allow us to lock and then unlock them at some point with a X day cooldown.

