Decision time? Once again!

Life does take really strange bends from time to time. One year ago I was negotiating a contract with my current employer, planning to leave the old company after 24 years of service. Now one year further, I will probably start negotiating a contract with my old employer, thinking about moving back.
I hadn't seen this coming one year ago.

Around a month ago, I decided that the company had to look out for a new consultancy assignment. My current one, isn't a match made in heaven. I do have this feeling already a few month. Hey, I did inform that company this after 3 months, but decided to give it some more time. The problem I had was, that being new at the company, I didn't want to get the label of "nagger". So, I did try to make it a match, but I have to admit that this will never work.
So, a month ago, I did have to give a presentation to the sales company to present myself so that they could find a suitable consultancy assignment.
While the old company didn't like me leaving. No doors were slammed from both sides. And I frequently had whatsapp conversations with my vice president consulting services. Some time before I did leave, I did start trying to win an RFP at my old assignment. Last time when I did text him asking for an update, he did mention that they could use me, to win the project. So, I did text him back, that I was open for an offer I couldn't refuse.

With the market slowing down and holidays coming up, not a lot of companies do need new consultant. So, it was a moment of silence from both sides (the new and old company). But last week, things did speed up. I did had an intake with the federal tax department in Belgium as consultant (they had a shit load of interviews, so didn't expect a lot of it, for sure if you do know that I can't speak French, one of the official languages in Belgium). While on Tuesday I had an interview with a Managing Director from the Belgian department of the old company. I do want to work in the Netherlands, but with a Belgian labor contract, which does make things a little bit more difficult. This has to do with the number of holidays and bank holidays.

Friday I was informed that I could start at the federal tax department. While I do think that this could be a great assignment, there is of course a big BUT. They do expect me to be at their office 2 days a week. For me that would mean, driving 30 minutes to the train station with the fastest connect, followed by a train ride of 1h 15m. As a trade off, I could work 2 days per week more from home, which is important for me. I do need to reply to them this week.
On Friday I also received an update from the old company. Telling me that the Dutch and Belgian department had a chat. It is up to the Belgian department to see if they can reach an agreement with me. So, I do expect a meeting with them this week. If I do sign there, the idea is that I will work for the Dutch department, but will get paid by the Belgian department. Best of both worlds situation. But, first I will have to see if they do contact me and what their offer will be.
I am in a situation, that I can be flexible concerning my paycheck. As long as all other boxes are checked. Signing this would mean that I probably will have to order a new company car again, and the Q8 e tron will be out of reach. While I look forward to this car, this won't be a deal breaker.

For me the most important thing, is to find an assignment where life/work balance isn't off and where I do find enough challenges.
So, it could become an interesting week. We will see what it brings and I will get an offer from Belgium. If they grant me my anciënniteit back (years of service), they do have a big advantage.

But first, I do have an appointment with the dentist today, not looking forward to that.



Good luck!
Its all bit confusing from the outside :)


Can imagine. To sum things up: changed employers last year. Thinking about going back or look for a new consultancy assignment with the current company ;)


Best of luck to you! I hope it all works out for the best! That is crazy just how much is involved over there. We are so big here that you might have to worry about working in a different state, but not a different country! I guess some of the people close to Canada or Mexico might...


I am living more or less on the border with the Netherlands. So lots of people do work there.
But with Belgium being so small it is not uncommon to live close to the border 😁


Oooooh the dentist, noone likes the dentist!!

For me the most important thing, is to find an assignment where life/work balance isn't off and where I do find enough challenges.

Hopefully things work out and the right contract/job keeps coming your way 🤞


One option less to choose. The negotiations with the old employer did stop. They didn't want to make an offer which would insult me.
Another potential option did cross my path on Thursday. The company did send my resume and now I have to wait if they do want to have an interview with me. Otherwise I will start commuting twice a week to the capital.
Time will tell!

Did survive the dentist :)


Good stuff man, glad you survived the dentist and I'm sure all the work stuff will work out too


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