Ecency Discord Topic: PETS


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to this week's Ecency Discord Posting Topic.

With summer now in full swing, we are able to spend more time outside doing the things we enjoy. Many in the Ecency Discord have been very active this last week and shared their activities.

Quite often we also like to spend time with some of our furry companions. Now is a good time to go for long dog walks in the nature or spend other quality time with our pets.

For some pets the time of year doesn't make much difference if they like to stay inside with us. When I was growing up, we had 2 cats Ginger and Blacky. They both liked to sit with us in the living room by the fireside sleeping alot.

Do you have any pets or favorite animals?

Let us know in this week's Ecency Discord topic.

This week's Ecency Discord topic is:


As is usual with the Ecency Discord Topic, you are free to approach this as you like. This could be through writing a story, sharing your thoughts, taking some photos, or producing some art.

Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

  • Do you have any pets?
  • What made you choose this pet?
  • Tell us about them. Share some photos.
  • How do you spend time with them?
  • How do you look after them?
  • What is their favorite place/food/activity?
  • If you do not have any pets, do you have a favorite animal?
  • What animal is it? Why do you like it?
  • How and when do you see this animal?

Feel free to let your imagination flow and use another aspect that you can think of.


I will be giving out Ecency Points tips and a mixture of tokens from our sponsors:

@ph1102 and @achim03 from @liotes with LEN tokens

The @stickupboys with LEGION and CINE tokens

LOH and @silversaver888 with LOH tokens

Amazing Drinks & @sirenahippie with FOODIE tokens

@melinda010100 with ENGAGE and NATURE tokens.

@ecoinstant - with Archon and DHEDGE tokens

A big thank you to all our sponsors. There are now even more reasons to take part in this week's Ecency Discord topic.


The Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic is open for everyone on chain! There is no need to be an Ecency Discord member, no need to use Ecency to post, and no need to post into the Ecency Community.

You have time to submit your post until next Sunday evening.

Write at least 200 words, and take your time to make a good content post out of the topic.

Please write in English or for bilingual posts make one of the languages English.

The exception is German, still, a post in only German is allowed. But because of the low interest from the German-speaking community the #edtopic explanation post will be only in English.
Nevertheless, I would still be very happy about more participants from the DACH.

No need to mention that it should be your own content and please always source your own or free-to-use photos properly.

Use TWO TAGS: #edtopic AND #ecencydiscord

Why use those tags? Because you are free to post in any community you choose and so we can find your postings with the tags. Secondly, we want our Discord members to interact more with each other on chain as well, and this is a possibility to find each other and leave a nice comment.

#edtopic is reserved for the weekly posting topics only, but #ecencydiscord can be used, whenever you want.


We had 14 entries for last week's topic. Token prizes will go to:

@p1k4ppa10 @liquidocelotytt @adysscheryl @deborah-yelemu @kenechukwu97 @rizwan7 @alovely088 @beauty197 @wongi @tahastories1 @palomap3 @les90 @henrietta27 @threedotz

Please give me a few hours to send them out during the day 😃

Here are some highlights from last week's entries:

I love cartoons! by @p1k4ppa10

My favorite TV programs by @beauty197

To summarise:


Make a great post, be sure to read the rules above and don't forget the 2 tags so that I can find your post. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments or join us in Ecency Discord

This posting topic is open to everyone on Hive!

Have fun posting and I look forward to seeing your entries!


Title image created in Canva using an image by moshehar and clipart used under license with the free version of Canva.

Highlighted posts pictures from the mentioned authors.

StickUpBoys Gif from gipfy.

Let's connect : mypathtofire


This topic is interesting and it's been awhile I made any post so I will surely partake in this.


Pets big or small, love them all. This should be a topic dear to many hearts here in Hive.

@tipu curate


I have had some pets for my kids like fishes, tortoise and rabbit but some how they always end up dying. Luckily for me there are various topics to choose from in this competition.


Keeping pets in the home is my favourite hobby, but am very unlucky regarding to keeping pets in the home because all time they are getting out from my life in a very bad way. Recently my parrot was eaten by cat💔, and i decided to never bring any kind of pet in my life again. But for this topic i will share the memories of my pets with you😿.


Sorry to hear about your parrot, but looking forward to hearing about your pet memories.


Another cracking idea for the weekly topic !


Hello mypathtofire. I just added my story about my favorite pet with the tags.
Is everything correct? I will check again too.
Thank you for this opportunity to write about my favorite pets!
Barb 😊 !BBH !CTP
