ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #4: Why do we judge?


Hi Guys!

This is another @ecotrain Question of The Week. This week's main topic is Judgment. This week's topic is really important and deeply involved in our lives. Why do we judge? We always give judgments without knowing anything about others! We think of ourselves as great judges or wise men. Have we ever judged ourselves? Have we ever used our conscience? Or do we lose our conscience before judging others? How much impartiality can we judge?

Numerous such questions can be asked. But to be honest, our conscience is broken. So these remain in the form of questions. There is a proverb in Bengal that "The conscience of man is the greatest court."

We always consider others as our own. We consider others as our own without knowing or hearing about others. Which later assumed deadly proportions. Let tell you a short story about this.

A man went to the river to take a bath at dawn after praying all night. Then he saw another man bathing on the other side of the river. This guy thought maybe that guy like me came to take a bath after praying all night. But the man came to take a bath after stealing all night and he kept thinking in his mind that maybe the man on that bank of the river also came to take a bath after stealing like me.

In reality, we make assumptions or judgments about others, like ourselves. Which is not desirable at all. Because we have to keep quiet until we know about someone. There is a lot of research to be done in judging a person. Only then can we give the right verdict!


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But the reality is, we all know the motto. But when the verdict goes against one's own acquaintances or relatives. Then we rolled that verdict at a full 180 degree angle. This is the biggest reality. Numerous such incidents occur especially in rural areas.

I have seen a few trials in my village. Where the verdict was completely biased. The verdict would go to the real culprit and the innocent would be ignored. Judges would not listen to an innocent person. On the contrary, the judges do not pay attention to him. As a result, the verdict of justice is completely lost from their minds. They never expect justice later.

Moreover, we often give immediate verdicts against others without listening to them. Which is not subject to subsequent correction. And later it was considered the most heinous crime. Last year such a horrible incident happened in our country. An innocent woman had to give her life as a result of the unscrupulous verdict of some people. When I still remember the incident, I was shocked.

A false propaganda was spread at the beginning of the last two years, when strangers entered the village, grabbed the children and slaughtered them. Even strangers often slaughter children and put their thorny heads in bags.

I do not know how true it is! But it seemed a lot like propaganda. Anyway, a decent woman with her young child went out in the afternoon to find a house to rent in an unfamiliar area. But some people suspect him. And they spread false propaganda that this woman had come to steal the baby. Many people gathered and attacked the woman. But the woman shouted, "I'm not a thief, I'm here to rent a house." But everyone decided to tie up and punish this woman. But no one listened to this woman. This woman was later killed. Law enforcement later investigated the matter and found the woman to be honest. And the traders of the culprits took the initiative to take legal action.

Numerous such incidents happen behind our eyes. Only as a result of our false judgment. So we will judge! Not by conjecture, but we will try to find the truth and listen carefully to everyone and give the verdict after verifying the truth and falsehood after listening. Then no one will be dissatisfied with it. Do not show reluctance towards the verdict.

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But the most important thing to me before judging is to correct yourself first. Because if we cannot correct ourselves first, then justice can never be expected from us. So after we correct ourselves, we have to establish ourselves on the truth. Then we can do justice. Truth will triumph in our judgment. If we all want it that way, we can really expect justice one day. Otherwise, justice will one day become a rare thing to keep in a museum.

Much Love And Best Wishes To All


I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am a Bangladeshi. I feel very comfortable to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi. An assistant teacher by profession. A writer intoxicated. So I feel very comfortable writing content on different topics. It’s great to know the unknown and learn something new. Love to travel.
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