Education is the key to success

Authored by @Twicejoy

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I am very glad that after a long time, finally I will be writing my first post on this amazing community @education-hive and I hope that I will be welcome and received a lots of love and attention.

Education is the key to success is not just a word is a fact about education.

Firstly I will be discussing what education is according to my own view.
According to one of the great philosophy,Socrates define education as a learning process for the individual to attain knowledge and understanding of the higher specific objects and specific.
Socrates explain that any individual who attain knowledge either by for example he/she was able to identify objects, just for an example an apprentice who is trying to learn a carpenter must first be able to identify the name of the tools and what is being used for. The moment he can identify the tools and it's uses then that person has attained knowledge and understanding of the so call tools. There are many great philosopher that define education according to their own view.
According to my own view education is something that we undergo on our daily basis, through what we do everyday we attain a specific knowledge. Education is a give and take process in which you give and receive. Education start at home, not even from school, but at home from our parents, elders, brothers, sisters and so on, we learn the basics at home in which our parents teach us how to greet, how to pray, how to eat even they tell us to respect elders. All this are part of education. Education is when you know what is right from wrong. For example, when you realize that dumping of dirty materials like nylon or paper on the floor is harming the environment is wrong, then you picked it up and dump it inside a dumping can, then education has taken place.

Reason why education is a key to success.
Like great philosopher say about education that education is a learning process for people to attain certain knowledge and understand of specific object.
The moment we realized that we must wash our hands before eating, we should help our parents in kitchen and garden, that means education has shed light to our life. All this things happen because of learning process we go through, because of education and that's what makes education the key. Education is major key that plays a vital role in our life, either you're an artisans or government workers.

After education comes success. No matter what you do after you have graduated from college or institution, either working in government public sector or private sector, or even if you want to set up a business of your own. Without education all this things cannot be achieved. Success comes after education . I implore all the parents from all over the world to give their kids the best education because education is the key to success.

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