RE: The Honey Pot - 27 July 2020 - This Post CLOSED for Entries

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Congrats to Rosyel (@iamraincrystal)!

I actually have two highly visible things in my house that are inspiring to me.

First, as you walk in the front door to our house, the first thing you see directly in front of you is our family photo wall. The wall is covered in photos of my wife and I and our immediate family (in the middle), and also photos of each of us growing up, our parents and grandparents (hers on one side and mine on the other). This inspires me and feeds my drive to capture family history.

The other highly visible source of inspiration in our house is the cross wall in the hallway leading away from the leaving room. It contains crosses we have been inspired by and collected both locally and from many of the places we have traveled. Jesus death, burial and resurrection is paramount to my faith and these various crosses remind me not only that He died for me, but that His love for me takes many different forms.
