The Dark Side of Email Marketing - Unsubscribers

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Hello fellow Padawans!

You've put too much effort into building your list and watch it grow and suddenly you get one unsubscriber, another day one more, or even one that regretted joining and unsubscribes right away (can be a bit harsh but can happen)!

And you start thinking why did they do that? Too many emails? Few emails? Bad topics? Too pitchy?

What happened?!

Don't worry.

Unsubscribers are a part of email marketing and people will come and go.

We all get a LOT of emails so maybe those people just decided to trim down their subscriptions.

That's okay!

If they aren't interested in what you're sharing, you don't want them on your list. In fact, think of unsubscribers as a way of filtering people who are willing to read from you and embrace your journey!

It's better to have a small and responsive list than a big and inactive list!

May the Force be with YOU!

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Spammers use the "unsubscribe" button to verify that an email address is still active.

Pressing the unsubscribe button often results in more spam.

Don't assume that, because people have not pressed unsubscribed, that they are actively interested in your content.


Maybe so on so many newsletters that we sometimes consciously or unconsciously we get into.
In this case, I talk about when people see your landing page, enter their name and email, have a double opt-in and they click on the confirmation email and so want to be inside and receive my emails. It's supposed to be real people interested in my content, at least I do my best for it.
But yeah, that can happen to anyway, but up to me to improve myself and create better content and maybe make and keep them interested :)
And try to keep myself away from spammers too lol
Thanks for your comment!


We can't be liked by everyone, and we can't like everyone... It's just a normal thing... The same goes with subscribers... They don't know what to expect until they try... If it's not for them, they unsubscribe... As you said, it's just a normal process of filtering...

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Just would like to have some feedback from them just to know their reasons to unsubscribe and then they can move on. And with that I could improve and do things better. But not everyone has time for that 🤣
Thanks for stopping by!

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Yeah. thanks for linking this in one of your emails as usual. I have two autoresponders. one ctp and one is for mailers and good program too. (the owner there made the option pages for us upgrade members.) but we can make are own. my list right now is about few people. ) am so over whelm. i do not want and can;t surf or click or be online 24 hours aday. and many can't do that. there are go talking too much. tell you truth even I make no money I like Hive and CTPtalk more then anything else. am I off subject
