Day 22 || Grateful for an experience || 30 days of gratitude [Spa/Eng]

¡Agradecida por una experiencia!

Grateful for an experience!


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Todas y cada una de las experiencias que vivimos en nuestra vida son importantes y deben agradecerse por igual, sin embargo, hace poco viví una experiencia fuera de este mundo al ser parte de una maratón de cursos dada por la empresa pionera Platzi. Junto a @cronosclocks y @leo-audio nos dispusimos a disfrutar de esta maravillosa experiencia en la cual vimos tantos cursos, tantas clases como se nos fue permitido durante más de 48 horas ininterrumpidas en la plataforma.

Each and every one of the experiences we live in our lives are important and should be appreciated equally, however, I recently lived an experience out of this world by being part of a marathon of courses given by the pioneering company Platzi. Together with @cronosclocks and @leo-audio we set out to enjoy this wonderful experience in which we saw so many courses, so many classes as we were allowed to for more than 48 uninterrupted hours on the platform.

FireShot Capture 029  Caso de éxito personal en Curso de Gestión Efectiva del Tiempo

Screenshot taken at Platzi's "Time Management" course

De todo lo que logré ver dentro de Platzi esos días, puedo resaltar un curso que me cambió la vida, al menos yo lo siento así, porque mentalmente siento que lo hizo, y fue el curso de "Gestión de tiempo". En muchas oportunidades, y a través de diferentes medios como el Internet, vi cómo hacer esto pero realmente la manera sencilla y eficaz en cómo explican ellos estos métodos, la interacción con otros participantes que hicieron ya el cursos y los que lo están haciendo en tiempo real, te hace sentir que eres una esponja y están absorbiendo mejor el conocimiento. Deseo poner todo lo aprendido en práctica, principalmente lo de la gestión de tiempo, para hacer valer la desvelada tenaz que me eché por estar en todo lo que más pudiera y, adicional a ello, siento que la importancia de todo esto es ampliar mis conocimientos, mejorar como profesional, mejorar como ser humano, y por todo eso debo estar agradecida.

Of all that I managed to see inside Platzi those days, I can highlight one course that changed my life, at least I feel that way, because mentally I feel that it did, and that was the "Time Management" course. In many opportunities, and through different media such as the Internet, I saw how to do this but really the simple and effective way in which they explain these methods, the interaction with other participants who have already done the course and those who are doing it in real time, makes you feel that you are a sponge and are absorbing the knowledge better. I want to put everything I have learned into practice, mainly about time management, to make the tenacious effort I made to be in everything I could worthwhile. In addition, I feel that the importance of all this is to broaden my knowledge, improve as a professional, improve as a human being, and for all this I must be grateful.


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I am curious as to why you started your "30 days of gratitutde". I have recently issued a challenge for people to participate in a "Month of Thanksgiving" (click HERE to read about the challenge).

I am thankful that I found your post today. Time Management is something we all could get better at.


Hello @theroad2freedom,

I usually use the CTP tag, so maybe that's why you got my publication. In addition to that, you could also have gotten it because fate wanted you to remember, as I do, the importance of having proper time management.

In the course of the rest of the day, I will read your publication to see if I can join your challenge. Is there still time to participate?

Oh and I joined the appreciation initiative because I saw the benefit that it brought to friends, it really helped me to recognize myself as a human being, as a person and also to recognize others.



Chama ese curso cambia la vida, yo me agobié un poco viéndolo porque noté cuan mal estaba llevando todo. De verdad que es SÚPER necesario ponerlo en práctica. Platzi Day fue lo máximo 💚
