Day 8: 5 current goals | BLOGGING CHALLENGE


Plantearse metas es importante porque permite visualizar los objetivos que deseamos lograr, tenerlos claros en la mente, para así poder enfocar nuestros esfuerzos en ello. No podemos ir viviendo a la deriva, a lo que venga, porque entonces no estaríamos construyendo nuestro destino, sino dejando que el destino nos haga a nosotros.

Setting goals is important because it allows us to visualize the objectives we want to achieve, to have them clear in our minds, so that we can focus our efforts on them. We cannot go living adrift, whatever comes, because then we would not be building our destiny, but letting destiny do us.


Hoy les compartiré 5 de mis metas actuales, algunas más inmediatas que otras, pero voy por ellas con toda la mejor energía y compromiso.

Today I will share with you 5 of my current goals, some more immediate than others, but I go for them with all the best energy and commitment.

1- Comprarme un teléfono móvil. Es una herramienta con la que no cuento actualmente y que me ayudaría mucho en el ámbito laboral, debido a que me da la oportunidad de tener un medio de comunicación a la mano siempre, además estos equipos poseen cámara integrada permitiéndome capturar fotos con mejor calidad de los maquillajes que realizo para compartir en HIVE, y de las libretas que hago para Alma Colorá, y con él lograr reactivar mis redes sociales, lo que ampliaría su visibilidad. Y no menos importante, me conecta con mis seres queridos, quienes muchos se encuentran a grandes distancias.

Buy me a mobile phone. It is a tool that I do not currently have and that would help me a lot in the workplace, because it gives me the opportunity to have a means of communication at hand always, in addition these teams have integrated camera allowing me to capture photos with better quality of the makeup I do to share in HIVE, and the notebooks that I do for Alma Colorá, and with it achieve reactivate my social networks, which would expand their visibility. And not least, it connects me with my loved ones, many of whom are far away.


Photo by Nei Soni

2- Redes sociales Alma Colorá. Como les he contado, mi proyecto personal, mi emprendimiento es Alma Colorá, que actualmente está enfocado en libretas artesanales, las cuales a través de las redes sociales son publicitadas al público, por ello debo estructurar un diseño atractivo para reactivar las cuentas al adquirir el teléfono. Las redes sociales sirven como una tienda en linea que permite dar a conocer nuevos productos.

2-**Alma Colorá social networks. As I have told you, my personal project, my enterprise is Alma Colorá, which is currently focused on handmade notebooks, which through social networks are advertised to the public, so I must structure an attractive design to reactivate the accounts when purchasing the phone. The social networks serve as an online store that allows you to publicize new products.


3- Garantizar bienestar a mi hija. Aunque realmente esta meta es perenne, no la pierdo de vista y está siempre como principal en mi lista, porque está enfocada el ser más importante para mí, y debo hacerle realidad el mejor porvenir, con alimento, vestido, comodidad, educación, hogar, amor, que sea un ser feliz.

  1. Guarantee my daughter's well-being. Although this goal is really perennial, I do not lose sight of it and it is always at the top of my list, because it is focused on the most important being for me, and I must make her the best future possible, with food, clothing, comfort, education, home, love, that she be a happy being.


Photo by Alex Pasarelu

4- Conocer en persona a @arlettemsalase, quien ha sido una gran amiga y apoyo desde que nos conocimos gracias a este hermoso mundo HIVE, porque si la vida nos permitió coincidir, aguantarnos los berrinches, apoyarnos y crecer en compañía, lo mejor sería añadirle un grado mas de realidad.

  1. To meet in person @arlettemsalase, who has been a great friend and support since we met thanks to this beautiful HIVE world, because if life allowed us to coincide, to put up with tantrums, to support each other and to grow in company, the best thing would be to add one more degree of reality to it.


5- Encontrarme con los brazos que hoy están a larga distancia y abrigarme en ellos, porque vale la pena tener el cariño de quien quieres y te hace feliz.

4- Find myself with the arms that are at a long distance today and wrap myself in them, because it is worth having the love of the one you love and it makes you happy.


Photo by CHristina Rivers


Gracias por permitirme ser parte de tu presente.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your present.



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Those are really some goals that should be taken seriously especially providing a better life for your daughter and getting the mobile phone which will help your social life and work.
We all in one way or the other have some persons we would love to meet someday, I hope your turns out well


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I like ALL of your goals, and what is most important, they are all achievable!!! And I know that you can do it!

I have bought a new mobile phone exactly a year ago... I have it before, but with the new one I have started with vlog creation and it changed my life completely... I hope that you will buy your soon and have a similar experience... I know that it is just a thing, but if you are using it for your work, it can mean a lot!

What a great post! Thanks for sharing and wish you the best!

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Demasiado lindo estar en tu top five de current goals.
Yo espero que en este 2021 sea posible conocernos en persona.
Sé que pronto, muy pronto, comenzarás a tener y construir todo lo que deseas.
Pronto tendrás todo para la formula perfecta de tu felicidad.
Te quiero.
