OCD Sportstalk Curation Incubation Update


Another good week for the @sportstalksocial tribe as we are up another 20 new members with us now sitting at a grand total of 1644. In general this has been a quiet week as I have noticed a huge drop off in the number of posts coming through my feed.

I think the numbers don't lie and so far we have only 19 posts being submitted through for curation. This is a good 30 to 40% drop in our normal tribal offerings and we can only curate what is here. I say we as yes @coolguy123 has joined the sports @ocd curation team this week. @coolguy123 likes all sports and is a great addition to the team.

How funny it is when I asked for help things go in the opposite direction leaving us fiddling our thumbs. This is still the right move however as I wanted a different set of eyes looking so I wasn't leaving anyone out. This is the fairest way of making sure everyone is on the same playing field and I am not favoring a certain few.

What I never understand is the human mentality as everything quietens down when the Hive token price drops in value. Doesn't everyone see this as an opportunity to do more and make yourself visible to everyone else? You are still earning the same amount of Hive and in some cases more even though your post rewards are down in Dollar value. This used to trigger me into doing more as keeping a steady growth trajectory is how you grow over a long period of time.

I did mention last week that many members are missing out for curation and are being purposely overlooked as they are not engaging at all. I have openly offered to delegate to anyone on the tribe who is struggling with Resource Credits so this doesn't hold them back. If you are in this position please leave a comment and I will willingly delegate plus I know others would as well.

A busy tribe posting and engaging is what attracts others to join as they feel as though they are missing out. This week I am asking everyone to please get back to posting as we are squandering the @ocd vote as it is here to help the community.

I really enjoyed some of the posts last week and tempted to add a tag for this week which will be #sportinghistory which opens up a huge category for anyone interested. @leedsunited wrote about Adidas and how it was formed so the scope is massive and hopefully gives you some ideas that for a post as I know some of you like a set theme.

I just want to say thankyou to @ocd yet again for the support they have given the @sportstalksocial tribe and if anyone wants to delegate please send Hive Power to @ocdb. For this you will receive a daily reward and will be helping the community.


Hello @cryptoandcoffee,
Will the new tag be used by those writing sports history alone?


Anything sports history related along with the sportstalk tag if not posted on sports front end. Just makes post easier to find for curation.


Nice update and it is good to see how fast we are increasing in numbers too and good one to as regards the recommendation of delegating hive power to @ocdb


Thanks for the warm welcome @cryptoandcoffee and I am enjoying going thru different posts and enjoy the way they write and happy to nominate few for @ocd curation which are abiding by what the community requires.

As you rightly mentioned, there are very less posts we get for curation as either quality or engagement is missing.

What I never understand is the human mentality as everything quietens down when the Hive token price drops in value

Yes, this is a good opportunity to showcase ourselves although the price drops and yes, opportunity to earn the tokens remains same.

I have openly offered to delegate to anyone on the tribe who is struggling with Resource Credits so this doesn't hold them back

This is a nice gesture to encourage more people to post on SportTalkSocial and I can delegate some amount too if there are valid requests are there.

Once again, I would like to thank you, SportstalkSocial community and team of @ocd for this opportunity I got and wishing all good day :)


Nice to see a new sports-loving ocd curation member!

Now it's time to write another nice post :)


I'm kicking off a weekly completion shortly to try and get Asian, African and South American communities to write about their local leagues. Not sure how successful it will be as I tried once before with zero response.
Will start it early next week.


Great to see the number on the increase. Great job you are doing with the curation and all
