Feeling Productive: Maybe Because Feeny is Helping Me?



After a couple of blah days where I had to just push through, I am having a great day today. I got up at 5 a.m. (back to my routine and it feels good) to finish writing product descriptions for a fiverr client while Feeny continued sleeping on the bed near my desk. By the second cup of coffee, I was through @russellstockley's daily engagement posts and had commented on some Leofinance posts. On to Torum for a quick go-through, then a fast trip to Noisecash to tip some posts.

By third cup of coffee I was on a roll and added 2 items to my etsy shop. and even remembered to announce this to my fiberfrau mailing list. A few minutes later, one of the new items was already in somebody's cart.

I've been working about 4 hours and already have done a good day's work. Now to step outside for some solar energy and vitamin D--so nice after several rainy weeks. I need to spend the rest of the day on some sewing and knitting.

If I could stay this productive for a solid month, I think I would be well on the way to taking over the world--or a small part of it. I don't need the whole thing, after all.


Mid-day update: While I was talking on the phone briefly, this "helpful" feline woke up, meowed, and grabbed my left arm with all his claws. Turns out his food dish was empty. I'm still being productive, but have to make sure I don't bleed on anything.
