"Dream Big Little One"



This is the phrase I want to put on the wall of my Little One's room. All of us should be allowed to dream big, even when you think your dream is small for others, that doesn't matter! As long as you believe that you will get there one day!

Almost 20 months ago I was a mother for the first time and that was and is already a Big dream come true! But of course, for me and all the parents in the world, the dream doesn't stop there. You will always want more for your children.

As a stay-at-home mom, as good as I love being at home with my little one and watching him grow at his own pace, some moments I think I'm useless...Hubby coming back home with money for us and I...well I try to keep the house in place while I have a little monkey running around the house!

Which it's already a lot to do I know but...wouldn't be nice do earn something from it besides the love from your family (which I'm glad for it, don't get me wrong!)?

Click Track Profit entered in my life way before David was born. My problem that time was I wanted to fulfill my dream as quickly as possible and I started to do too many things at the same time, binge-watching every single training video like there was no tomorrow and I got overwhelmed and lost and no more time and money to invest in it so...I gave up for a while...

One of the big things my son keeps reminding me (and he doesn't talk much yet!) is: life is not a race! Take your time to learn, to observe, research, try new things. If you fall, get up and carry on!Achieve your dreams little by little...baby steps :)

So...Here I am!


I like your post it is good to dream big and even better to take your time on the journey of learning
